It is also because of the special environment here that the huge black scale rattlesnake can move freely here.


Although the black scale rattlesnake entered the water pipeline one step ahead of Lu Yuan and Tam.
But in front of Lu Yuan, who is full of knowledge and domineering.
Complicated water pipeline environment can’t cause him too much trouble.
So it wasn’t long before Lu Yuan and Tam chased the black scale rattlesnake.
See Liu Yuan and Tam chasing him so soon.
The snake immediately let the black scale rattlesnake attack.
Poison skills, venom injection!
A cloud of green venom surged directly towards Luyuan and Tam.
But to the shock of Bashu,
In the face of this attack, Liu Yuan and Tam have no intention to resist.
They stepped on one of the two six-meter-high pipes.
Incredibly instantly dodged the venom attack and rushed towards them.
Seeing this scene, Bashu suddenly had such special abilities as Liu Yuan and Tam.
It is very difficult to get rid of their doubts.
And he can’t delay too long in the channel when he is limited.
Because fighting here will definitely attract the attention of the city law enforcement team.
Once the city or college reinforcements come, he is still trapped in the water pipeline
When the time comes, it will become a turtle in the jar.
So he either got rid of Liu Yuan or tried to kill him.
The former has been proved to be impossible.
The only choice left for Bashu is the latter one.
Besides, Lu Yuan and Tam look like two silver rivals.
This way, if an opponent, a gold-level animal bender, doesn’t dare to fight
Then he’s too embarrassed for the gold beast bender.
However, the narrow passage is not conducive to fighting such a giant as the black-scale rattlesnake.
He need a more open environment.
And this environment to pipeline can have many.
In this way, the two sides ran after each other and soon came to a huge place.
Here is a nearby pipeline interchange with a height of 15 meters and an area of more than 100 meters.
In this environment, there is enough black scale rattlesnake to exert its strength.
So the snake stopped the black scale rattlesnake from running away, but stopped it.
Almost before and after, Lu Yuan and Tam rushed out of the pipeline.
Looking at no longer running away, Lu Yuan and Tam stopped not far in front of them.
"You dare to chase a silver royal beast division is really not afraid dead ….."
After Bashu repeatedly confirmed that Lu Yuan and Tam had silver-level strength,
Eyes gradually become ferocious.
The full-bodied murderous look can be clearly felt even if Liu Yuan has no knowledge and domineering words.
[Black Scale Rattlesnake]
【 Attribute dark and poisonous 】
"Grade Gold Two Stars"
Looking at the black scale rattlesnake panel, Lu Yuan arrived without too much surprise.
After all, from his previous information, I can see that the strength of Bashe is about one star to two stars.
It’s normal to have a gold two-star black-scale rattlesnake.
"You wild college people are just too arrogant to look down on everyone if you are really a genius!"
"The black scale rattlesnake swallowed them for me!"
When I heard the black scale rattlesnake, I was unhappy with Tam and Lu Yuan for a long time. It rushed over directly.
The 15-meter-long black-scale rattlesnake moves almost like a small train.
Tam is very weak in front of it.
Can let the black scale rattlesnake didn’t expect to face his attack.
Instead of being afraid, Tam showed excited eyes.
Even the performance of Lu Yuan around Tam is very calm.
Tam slowly opened his mouth in the face of the black scale rattlesnake charge.
Fire attribute and soil attribute spiritual force began to converge in Tam’s mouth.
At the same time, Tam’s body began to appear red and golden lines.
The two lines interweave with each other and finally form a gold-plated line like magma.
Special Attack Lava Bijyudama!
Bijyudama, a horrible lava, gushed out from Tam’s mouth.
Lava Bijyudama cut through the air with a long red tail flame.
Fly towards the black scale rattlesnake.
Feel the terrible power of the black scale rattlesnake.
The black scale rattlesnake immediately stopped and began to use defensive skills.

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