After listening to what she said, I think it would be nice if she were not so strong and flexible.


What she is worried about is true. Anyway, it’s not bad that cousin Ma has said so many things. She likes to say this, so let her say it!
Ge Ershao curled his lips at this moment. "If the ghost crow is so good, why does she want this for the two Yin spirits?"
Xiao-ling Ma was obviously stopped and shouted, "Yeah … I really didn’t notice this if you didn’t say it."
Ask to wake the dream person!
I was the first to react when I heard Ge Ershao’s question. "Are these two Yin spirits more valuable than the crow?"
I know a lot about this kind of thing.
Because I used to do this when I was a child, at the beginning, our bunch of kids used to exchange toys for villains.
My favorite thing to do at that time was to exchange 50 cents of small broken toys for 20 dollars of Transformers!
It’s not that I’m stupid. Think about it. If it’s changed, it’s 50 cents for 20 dollars for Transformers. Even if you can’t replace me, you won’t lose!
Of course, I changed it several times and I didn’t see anyone when I was a child.
I asked Ma Xiaoling, "What does Ma Lu, a ghost, want with this?"
"Well …"
Ma Xiaoling carefully thought about it and said, "Probably to raise it."
Raising kids?
I was surprised. "Isn’t your Ma family noble and decent? Why do you still do such a thing?"
Ma Xiaoling quickly explained, "Don’t get me wrong, it’s not what you think!"
She said, "Most exorcists or predecessors of Yin and Yang Road will raise imps, but most of them keep them as messengers to collect all kinds of gossip in Yin and Yang Road, not to harm people!"
She also spread the word in awe-inspiring, that is, it is a heretical thing for rats to do. This kind of devious harm will never be done by their horse family, and they must be severely punished when they encounter this kind of harm to everyone.
Ma Xiaoling finally added, "I think my cousin probably saw some special places of these two ghosts!"
We have returned to the living room at the moment.
I said, "So if your cousin can get it, you must get it, right? You are both members of the Ma family. I think your cousin is very persistent with these two kids. As the saying goes, after all … "
Xiao-ling ma directly shook his head before I finished "you forget? I can’t cultivate high reiki! I can deal with infant spirits, a kid of this level. I can’t keep a good spirit. My aura is enough to fuel a compass. "
This is a very tangled thing.
The source of the Yin spirit is in our hands. Even if we hide far away, they will never abandon this thing.
It is said that we will control these two ghosts in front of us, but! We don’t have this thing anywhere in our hands!
Ma Xiaoling looked out and asked, "Cousin is gone?"
I said, "There’s no movement outside. I guess I left."
Ma Xiaoling cautious way "I know cousin! If she is optimistic about things, she must also do it. Brother Lu can’t persuade her at this time. She even doesn’t know what new ideas have come to her. "
I said, "Who cares?"
Ge 2 less also chimed in "is! Whatever she does, she can’t rob this thing in our hands anyway? "
Ma Xiaoling said, "That’s right!" Then he added, "Let’s find those two ghosts first and then investigate how this thing came to your house."
I don’t know where to hide because I scared the two kids just now.
It’s not easy for us to find the compass without it once a day.
I can damn it, but only for their size.
How can I see these things like yin qi, evil spirit and aura?
When Ma Xiaoling said that the two kids were frightened, it was also the time when Ma Lu and Liu Chengjiu came after them.
The two of them are very successful exorcism idols in the world of yin and yang, and their popularity, physical training and aura are already in full swing!
Generally, spectres will be frightened by their physical momentum, and those two children will naturally be frightened and afraid to run outside after being inspired by yin.
Lenovo just that Ma Lu didn’t want to go outside for a long time …
These kids should still be hiding in Ge Ershao’s big room!
Ma Xiaoling said, "Look for it!"
Let’s split up. Ge Ershao’s house happens to be on the third floor. Ma Xiaoling will guard the first floor. Ge Ershao will meet me on the second floor and go to the third floor!
I stepped on the carpet stairs of Ge Er Shao’s house and quickly went to the third floor.
The stairs go straight through the opposite wall.
There is a large room on the left hand side of a walkway outside the house, followed by room, bathroom and bedroom on the right hand side.
I went into the room first.
There’s a brain table inside and a brain to go. It should be Ge Ershao’s room.
Because there are few serious faces on that plane, two rows are mostly comics and game magazines, and three rows are full of game hardcover gift boxes with a game poster on one wall.
There is no bathroom in the room. Take a look before coming out and then go to the bedroom.
There are still traces of Ge Ershao getting up in a hurry the day before yesterday in the bedroom. The sheets were rubbed into a mess and the carpet fell to the floor and never came to clean up.
There’s nothing here either
Back out, I pushed the big door again.
Half of it is equipped with sports equipment and the other half is a sofa. I also didn’t find the two kids.
I just saw Ge Ershao coming from the stairs when I left. He asked me, "Did you find it?"
"no! What about you? "
"Me neither."
"What about the first floor?"
Xiao-ling ma this when also happens to be the floor to answer the words "didn’t find the first floor".
That’s weird
I searched all three floors, but there was no trace
This world is so strange that when you don’t want to see it, they are always hanging around. At this time, there is an urgent need to find a time, but there is no direct film!
Ge Ershao suddenly shouted, "There is still a place!"
He pointed to the end of the aisle in front and said, "That’s the attic over there!"
"Da …"
When he said this, there was a slight movement above his head, like something hitting the floor upside down.
I said, "Go and have a look!"
Ge Er pushed the side door less and hurriedly moved a ladder out.
He pushed the attic baffle to hold the ladder to the bottom and said, "I’ll hold it here."

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