I don’t know if you have heard of the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996. In response to the US intervention in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, our army conducted a missile launch exercise, but it missed dozens of kilometers to reach the offshore of Pingtung, the southernmost tip of the Bay.


Dozens of kilometers! This is an ordinary short-range cruise missile, not the original one. What does it mean? I believe everyone knows it.
What? Because our military was still the American gps satellite navigation and positioning system, the Americans temporarily closed the Bay gps satellite, which led to the failure of the exercise.
What a painful lesson this is!
There is also the famous Yinhe incident, and our country has suffered unprecedented humiliation.
This painful lesson has forced our country to learn from a painful experience and make up its mind to develop a satellite navigation and positioning system that belongs to us in China.
This is the origin of Beidou navigation and positioning system.
Real satellite navigation and positioning system is more helpful to civil science and technology. Our company is about to launch a new generation of mobile Internet of Things technology, which is inseparable from this thing.
Do you know what I didn’t support last year when General Manager Ma proposed to let Baosheng do the software line?
It is because the time is not ripe.
When we develop a new mobile Internet of Things mobile phone, the national basic transportation infrastructure will be improved, and when the Beidou satellite navigation and positioning system in China is officially commercialized, the business will really have the general conditions.
Previously, companies like Joyo. com’s Alibaba class let them go! Their expansion is good for us to some extent.
A new thing is often not the opportunity for the leader to win the final victory
So I’m not worried about others taking the lead temporarily.
All right! I won’t say much about the importance of satellite navigation and positioning system, and there are many practical benefits, many of which are far from you. Imagine me for a moment and make it clear.
I published it in this research project, and we are mainly responsible for the research and development of various chip operation systems, which should not be difficult.
Satellite navigation and positioning system chip includes satellite end and end ground.
It consists of three main chips, among which the satellite terminal is a data processing and distribution chip, which emphasizes the need for multi-parallel processing ability and an efficient computer operation software.
In this respect, our cloud operating system has passed the test of 100 million simultaneous login, and we are absolutely capable of developing such a multi-parallel processing system.
The second finger is the satellite navigation and positioning chip, which is relatively simple and emphasizes the speed of data exchange, because the exchange speed determines the positioning accuracy when the conditions are the same.
The ground end of the third ground end includes two parts.
The first part means that the background control system satellite is not the main body, and it needs the support of the ground computing center. After all, it is too small to build a huge supercomputer.
On the ground side, our Internet of Things International Group has an overwhelming advantage because we have six computing centers and we have an intelligent main brain.
We can crack the gps network of the United States in an instant, and in wartime, we can make the United States launch missiles to deviate from the target or make it turn around and hit the United States.
We can also paralyze the gps system in the United States in non-war time, thus causing great losses to the United States.
The second part of the ground side means that we are going to discuss the 4g mobile Internet of Things.
Do you know why I want to lay the line foundation along the highway and railway? The ground foundation can cooperate with Beidou navigation and positioning system to further locate accurately.
The purpose of my doing this is that in the future, 5g network providers will have decisive technical support for human-driven control systems.
I expect that the positioning accuracy can be improved to a comparable height, and the response time will be controlled for several milliseconds.
Well, I won’t say much about the importance and urgency of satellite navigation and positioning system. This is the institute of software research. After the meeting, you contacted the Beidou navigation and positioning system research team of China Academy of Sciences, and I won’t say much about it.
Tell me in person my requirements for 4g mobile communication network.
I changed my mind temporarily, and I decided that we should not participate in the technical standard operation of 4g mobile communication network phase equipment, and let the country invite tenders separately. We should master the technical patents and make money behind the scenes.
The same is true of our latest 4g smart phones. We are responsible for the standard basic chips and important personal cloud operations, and the specific production is made by other companies in other countries.
This is what I realized yesterday that our company is too broad, which is a disaster rather than a blessing, so we should know how to choose.
Just as our automobile research institute concentrates on being an automobile technology solution provider, our company will gradually retreat to the background in all fields in the future.
But this does not mean that we have to give up anything. On the contrary, we have more energy to concentrate on developing more advanced technology and keep ahead of the ball.
Our dolphin science and technology orientation has not changed, that is, to persist in scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the country through science and technology, and rejuvenate the country through industry. "
Liu Meijuan’s speech had a great influence on dolphin technology. Dolphin technology retired from the stage and had more time to concentrate on research and development, which made China catch up with Europe and America in less than ten years.
It is Europe and America, not the United States, which represents the most advanced technological level in the world at present, which means that China has completely topped the world after ten years.
Chapter 47 Year-end Summary

December 26th of the 21st lunar calendar is the annual year-end summary meeting of Dolphin Technology and the last day of the Spring Festival holiday.
The meeting will be held at 9: 00 p.m. in the atrium lobby at the bottom of Building 1 of the company’s single staff dormitory.
Building 1 is the dormitory for foreign visiting research teams, which is also to take care of their guests.
Over the years, dolphin technology has been deeply integrated with China Academy of Sciences, which on the one hand complements the shortcomings in the field of dolphin technology, and on the other hand, China Academy of Sciences has trained talents.
It is not enough for scientists to have theory alone, but also to have practical opportunities. Since Dolphin Science and Technology developed chip manufacturing equipment and came to the country, investment in the field of phase has basically frozen.
It is impossible for a country to have two R&D companies of chip manufacturing equipment, let alone a country, because the technology of chip manufacturing equipment is very difficult and the price is high, and the world can support at most a few companies.
It’s too much money for a small country to enter this field. Asmax in the Netherlands is not a complete chip manufacturing equipment developer. It only produces one product in mask aligner and is made in all countries.
The country where the ball really masters the set of skills is China, and in addition, the United States and Japan have mastered most of the skills, but not all of them.
On the one hand, the technical difficulty is too great, which requires the support of basic technologies such as chemistry, physics, optics, materials, precision machinery and integration technology. In this respect, only China can integrate the basic science of industrial science and technology, and even a country does not have the conditions, so Europe and the United States can adopt a division of labor and integration method.
This is mainly because China has a huge market with a population of 1.2 billion to support these scientific research fields, but other countries do not have this condition.
Some people may say that the United States is the biggest market for the ball? That’s a mistake because it’s paper data. There are more than 200 million people in the United States, which is not enough for China. How many things can these 200 million people consume?
It’s just that the value of consumer money is higher. In terms of quantity, it is far less than that of China.
China really has all the conditions to become a goal hegemon. If we are on the right track, national unity will be achieved sooner or later.
On the other hand, as I have just said, China is the biggest car consumer in the market, China is the biggest mobile phone consumer, and China is the biggest device producer.
China has a large enough market to feed Dolphin Technology, a developer of the only chip manufacturing equipment.
What’s more, the dolphin science and technology flag Huasheng Micro Hualian Micro has almost monopolized the ball market except Europe and America, which has actually occupied the largest share of the ball.
Far from it, I really want to say that these foreign visiting research teams are really resident in dolphin technology, and only here can they give full play to their talents.
They are similar to dolphin technology employees, but they can’t organize here
In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, the subsidy of 100 yuan a day was far from enough. Some important scientific research leaders have a monthly salary of 30 thousand yuan, which does not include their bonuses. They are also at ease here.
The only difference between their employees is that they have no welfare housing distribution, and they can live in single dormitory regardless of their official position.

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