In his early years, he also thought that if one day he was powerful, he would find his peerless medicine and forge a furnace of elixir with Sansheng medicine to save some elders, such as the owner of the forbidden area


"That’s true. There must be sansheng medicine in the drug introduction."
Lu Chen nodded and said, "Now they have killed Emperor Cang, and they have turned the tide of history. They are in a good mood and talk a lot."
Shi Hao took out his little sword-shaped medicine "I have it here in Wu Shen"
Liu Chen shook his head. "This bead medicine may be big after you keep it yourself."
Then he also took out a sansheng medicine from his own things, which looks bigger than Shi Hao. It is a dry bald branch, which can be said to be pure natural pollution and has not been made into a strange shape
"Wu Shen also has a doctor! ?”
Shi Hao was surprised that he heard from Sanzang and Shenming that this thing was hard to see. I’m afraid one can be found in dozens of eras.
"Good luck."
Liu Chen laughed
This is a lie!
It’s really lucky that the explorer picked up something when he was in the blind pit of hell, and he got it with kindness and kindness.
"Brother Lu helped to smelt their Yuan God."
Chuhang took out a stove he brought with him, which looked like a heavy oven rather than a stove, full of modern science and technology.
This is the truth of science and technology. Chu Hang spent hundreds of crystals to exchange high-grade goods, which is a special prop and the peak of chaos.
This oven can also melt the quasi-immortal, the emperor and the god, and it can be intelligently melted. It is perfect, but when it is needed, they don’t have that much time now, so they need Lu Chen’s manual violence.
Lu Chen went over to the root of the knife to refine these yuan gods. In a short time, these yuan gods looked very pure like clear water and then transferred them to Chuhang.
"It’s really a fairy lotus"
Chu Hang reported the name of the medicinal material Lu Chen and took it out from the object to Chu Hang.
It’s a snow-white lotus with 49 petals, and each petal seems to contain a world avenue breath that oscillates in the air.
The appearance of this pearl fairy medicine shocked everyone, and Shi Hao was even more difficult to move and almost drooled because everyone had never seen such a magical fairy medicine.
The perfect world is very poor for the output of elixir and fairy materials. For example, in the era of covering the sky, the theory of immortality medicine is just an immortal recovery prop
In the perfect world period, the immortal root is more effective, but at most it is as full as chaos level, because the strongest immortal root, that is, the first immortal root, is selling counterfeit drugs, and others are not quasi-immortal emperors.
Lu Chen took out this pearl’ Huanzhen Fairy Lotus’, which is a high-level fairy medicine produced in the high world. It has the effect of regeneration and reunion of God’s body. It is usually used to treat those who have suffered irreversible damage to their true self.
Because of his good performance in the high world, he exchanged certificates and gave him a friendship price. He spent 700 yuan to get the Avenue-class fairy medicine, which was really a very cheap price.
"Nature ganoderma lucidum, orchid grass, ghost soil …"
Chu Hang also quoted a list of medicinal names. Lucid Ganoderma lucidum was taken out by Lu Chen, and all his medicinal materials were given by Xia Mi from things. Before that, they collected medicinal materials with the help of Ao Sheng, a group of immortals and Wang Li.
Fairy kings are very happy to contribute, because they heard that this is Lu Chen’s medicine refining, and it is a rare opportunity to hug their thighs. It is almost a rush to deliver medicine and it will be collected in a short time.
Chuhang carefully set various parameters of the’ oven’, put the medicinal materials one by one, and finally integrated those yuan gods into it and let the machine run naturally after work. The energy is driven by his flame.
People in Shi Cun are curious to see this medicine refining process, mainly because this kind of scientific and technological production is incompatible with the painting style here.
Three days later, there will be a refreshing aroma. It seems that I feel like I am going to soar when I take a sip. The children in Shi Cun all feel that they are too strong and have residual medicine, which is also helpful for future practice.
If there is an apocalypse coming across the border, Lu Chen will not move and watch Leng Yue, but it will be a broken blade and those thunderbolts will dissipate.
When the oven shows the sound, covers the surface and hits the mechanical disc, 49 elixirs are neatly placed on the surface, which is crystal clear and exudes unpredictable power.
Lu Chen’s soul package was then packed separately as if the special jade bottle had been put away. After reading the Dan medicine, the quality was all avenue-level, with a score of 33 points. It was strange that the extreme Dan medicine was named after the research and development of the scientific truth institution.
After refining Dan medicine, Lu Chen is in a good mood. It can be said that Brother Chu is meticulous in his work. There is no difference in the quality of forty-nine Dan medicines.
Lu Chen took out a few jade bottles and gave them to Shi Hao, Shi Yi, Tian and Xianxian, each of whom had a bottle to "save for help".
Several people in Shi Hao were very surprised to say that they saved their lives, but they all had objects in their hearts.
And Liu Chen is stepping into heaven and preparing to go to his great cause of perfection.
Chapter one thousand six hundred and sixteen Cloth old man Su Sheng
"Wu Shen, where are you going?"
Shi Hao don’t understand to follow.
"To save a respectable elder"
Lu Chen’ s expression is reminiscent.
Shi Hao and others were shocked when they heard the news, because they knew that Lu Chen was a descendant of the emperor’s era, so wouldn’t it be more ancient for Lu Chen’s predecessors?
The celestial adventure group followed Shi Hao and Shi Yi behind Lu Chen.
Although Huo Linger and Yun Xi are reluctant to part with Shi Hao just after their reunion, they can also tell the priorities.
Anyway, now Shi Hao and others have awakened safely for nine days and been reborn in ten places. When Emperor Wu returns to sit in this world, it is Ann.
Everyone is curious to follow Lu Chen, and they will break through the world walls with them. After nine days and ten places, Shi Hao and others are still curious to see this new world.
Although the picture already knows the ending, they have no real feeling in the past. Now it is really strange to see that history has really changed and they still have memories of the old calendar.
Heaven and earth are peaceful and peaceful, and occasionally the arrogance of the mainland makes Shi Hao not only remember its lush years.

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