Although the three men were surprised, they knew that the situation was urgent, which was a race against time.


So they did not hesitate to consume the divine power of Yuan to display their magical powers.
Bombardment towards the crystal wall previously referred to by Namozhuang.
Firm but gentle roar and vibration!
This solid, unbreakable diamond crystal wall actually shook violently!
Everyone has a big smile on his face.
And such a shock is naturally discovered by the monks in the distance opposite!
"What are they?"
"Is it broken? ! !”
"Look … there seems to be a figure across the crystal wall!"
Suddenly, the jade barrier’s eyes flashed with a grin. "What a wonderful thing!"
At the same time, Mozhuang and others expect the crystal wall to shake violently for a moment and then restore calm!
"This … how is that possible?" Mozhuang was frightened to disgrace
Obviously, the crystal wall was not breached at one stroke as he expected.
At that time, Mozhuang, the Lord of the Six Gods, turned his attention to Erhu successfully.
At this time, the "two tigers" also showed surprise.
But for a moment, he can see that at the moment, he still wants to storm the three people, but because the attack power of Yuan Shen’s body is greatly reduced, he can’t break this crystal wall. I’m afraid there is still a lack of some help.
Seeing this, he quietly held out three fingers and shook Mo Zhuangzhu’s eyes.
Mozhuang was not stupid, but suddenly he woke up with the message and quickly shouted, "The crystal wall drama shakes but does not break the reality. The magical power of the three people is not enough, so we need to help quickly!"
"I’ll come"
We should have made preparations in case Wei was injured and plundered the barrier, and Yuan Shen rushed in with him.
And right now,
Boom ~
There was a roaring sound in the distance opposite!
Everyone raised eyebrows and was surprised to find that several people across the street had crossed the barrier and launched a storm!
On the other hand, even if Wei Shang joined in, they still broke through the barriers.
In this race against time, they can no longer afford to keep it.
But seeing the temples have stepped forward, they have …
Mountain League Temple has four floors of Man Mountain;
Wei Yu, the first floor of the Five Elements Zongshengtang;
The injury of Phantom Palace recovered to seven Sangpingqiu;
Wang Yuezong Huang Er Xian Shi and Yu Xuxian
It can be said that except for the great consumption caused by the use of occult techniques, the powerful in this temple are almost numerous.
But ….. Although the crystal wall is shaking more and more, it still hasn’t been broken!
Fortunately, Yan Xie, Yan Fei Xue, Zhong Ligu, Mu Fu, etc., who broke the wall on the opposite side, failed to break even though their fierce offensive was even more shocking.
But it is not difficult to see from the roaring power that the other side’s attack is stronger than our own.
Seeing this, everyone is even more worried.
If the other side breaks through first, I’m afraid they won’t even get a hair.
Boom ~
Once again, the crystal wall vibrates violently and cracks have been exposed, but that’s it … but it’s still firm! On the other hand, the roar and tremor in the distance are even more intense, and even a faint fission can be heard!
"Not good! They are going to break through the barriers … "
At this time, a stone is responsible for monitoring each other. The friar has exclaimed and pointed!
See this MoZhuang is cold sweat hanging yan repeatedly sleeve wipe clenched teeth staring at the immediate barriers "broken … broken! Quick break …! "
Bai Lianxing is still a little weak when she sees this scene. Yan Feng’s eyes are trembling and Emei has stepped out with a light lock. "I’ll do it."
When the scattered practitioners saw that the goddess was going to go out in person, they immediately looked forward to it.
But mulberry Kerr stopped Bai Lianxing shook his head and exclaimed, "The temple is impossible! If you are weak, you will be determined by the out-of-body experience of Yuan God … "
Words haven’t finished Bai Lian star has barely smiled "Chloe this temple do still can’t break if I don’t go to people? Besides, if you want to be the first to break through the barriers and enter Xingteng, you can worry. "
"But what if it doesn’t break?" Sankel asked the resistance.
At this time, some selfish people in the mass meditation muttered, "Goddess Gao Yi wants to go by herself … What do you care?"
You!’ Sangkeer immediately raised eyebrows and became angry.
At this time, the Dragon Hill Flying Emperor has gently coughed.
His athletic figure is still high. "Can the golden body of the temple be lightly moved?"
Then he glanced at the selfish generation with cold eyes and snorted, "Fantasy Heaven … and I, the Dragon Hill Flying Emperor!"
Said he will replace Bai Lian star with a strong yuan god out-of-body experience.
But before he can make moves, his shoulder has fallen a big hand.
Look askance and see that the two tigers of Shanmeng are patting Longqiu Feihuang with a cool and handsome face. Everyone looks over the two of them and says, "Let me do it."

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位于繁华的广州市中心,天都SPA以其卓越的服务品质和独特的项目设计,成为了都市生活中一处宁静的港湾。在这里,您可以找到专属的放松与养生的空间,感受专业技师带来的全方位呵护。 走进天都SPA,您会被这里舒适的环境所吸引。柔和的灯光、轻柔的音乐,营造出一种轻松愉悦的氛围。在这里,您可以暂时忘却城市的喧嚣,尽情享受一段宁静的时光。 天都SPA的特色项目丰富多样,每一项都是精心研发,旨在为您带来独一无二的体验。以下是一些不容错过的项目: 1. 梦回唐朝:该项目融合了传统中医理论与现代SPA技术,通过专业技师的手法,为您舒缓疲劳,调节气血,让您仿佛穿越时空,回到那个充满诗意的时代。 2. 西域水舞:技师运用独特的按摩手法,结合水疗,为您带来一场视觉与触觉的盛宴。在轻松愉悦的氛围中,您的身心将得到全面的放松。 3. 红酒水疗:红酒具有丰富的营养成分,天都SPA将其与水疗相结合,让您在享受水疗的同时,补充肌肤所需营养,焕发肌肤活力。 4.…