Xiao Qiushui grabbed his hand.


Nangong Bo was slapped on the chest.
Xiao Qiushui withdrew his steel fork sword as soon as he touched it.
After the palm of your hand, Nangong Bo has no strength to hold Xiao Qiushui’s sword.
He stared at Xiao Qiushui-though his chest was lightly printed with a palm, he might not see the palm print even if he stripped his skirt …
However, Nangong Bo was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and his bones were broken inch by inch, pushing the golden mountain to fall like a jade pillar.
"Broken gold and jade palms"!
Xiao Qiushui killed Nangong Kuang and Nangong Bo as soon as he came, which damaged the enemy’s two major generals!
-Where did Qin Feng go?
Xiao Qiushui’s great wonder in his heart is because of this worry that he almost took the Nangong Kuang, but for the exquisite Wudang sword, he might even hurt the Nangong Kuang’s knife.
-get cold feet Qin Feng would never be such a person!
At this time, Nangong Liang was red-eyed, and his sharp knife plunged into Qumu cream intestine, but his hand was cut off by Lin Gong before his knife was drawn out!
He retreated from the pain, and Deng Yuping’s sharp sword jerked the ghost around Chen.
At this moment Xiao Qiushui has arrived.
Chen is in distress. He must kill Nangong Liang first.
He thrust his sword out when Deng Yuping suddenly grabbed the previous step and thrust his sword behind Xiao Qiushui!
This sword is three times faster than usual!
Even if Xiao Qiushui is not blindsided but stabbed head-on and caught off guard, Xiao Qiushui will come or not.
Xiao Qiushui seems to have expected that the part stabbed by this sword seems to return to the sword lattice at the moment of flashing the rainbow.
Deng Yuping suddenly changed his face.
Xiao Qiushui asked 1.
"You killed Qin Feng?"
Deng Yuping suddenly froze.
Tang Fei Nangong increased the war is the most tragic.
Tang Fei got three axes, and Nangong Zeng won a total of three pear nails, two wasp needles and a Wu Gou flying sword. They still fought fiercely.
At this time, Tiexingyue and Qiu Nangu arrived, but Nangong Zeng’s axe suddenly flew out!
The axe struck Tang Fei in the left face.
The axe is embedded in the heart again.
Tang Fei screamed and played "Tang Hua"
Tang flowers are as beautiful as epiphyllum.
Nangong wants to avoid it, but the flowers are all over the sky, and there are no flying flowers in the Chinese fir forest.
Finally, a flower shone brightly on his forehead.
The nangongshan growth roar-his eyes are full of amazing; Others died in amazement.
Tang’s fat and bloody eyes are shocked, but she is very ugly.
She was seriously injured and was trying to pull out the axe head embedded in the heart.
At this moment, a man like Dapeng leaps over and hits the axe handle with double cymbals.
Nangong Chu!
The axe face sank again into Tang’s thick and broad chest.
Iron star moon drinks a punch and swings out of Nangong Chu, but a short iron star moon fist becomes a direct swing to Tang Fat Face.
Tang fat face was blown to powder and flew out.
This rabbit is too busy to see.
Tang Fei took advantage of the situation and flew out of the face. After a heavy blow, she took advantage of it to fly to a large body and actually took over the Nangong Han with Liang Dou!
Qiu Nangu then sank to hoop the Nangong Chu Nangong Chu Xin and wanted to throw Qiu Nangu out.
Qiu Na Gu Siming hugged Meng Xiangfeng’s parting sword at this moment.
I don’t know how the Nangong Chu has broken away from Qiu Nangu and stumbled out, but I felt that I couldn’t see anything clearly when I saw a vast expanse.

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