When Zhang Sheng saw that most of his eyes were looking here, he sat up straight, shrugged his shoulders and smiled. The Pope was right. It was an immortal who first destroyed our door, the Shushan Sect, and then the Vatican was destroyed along with Rome. It is not clear where it is.


Hum, if you didn’t provoke him, how could he be so heavy-handed? I think the Holy See was afraid of the immortal, who made us support them. It was almost discordant. Zhang Sheng’s eyes turned cold and he looked at the pronunciation place
At first glance, Zhang Sheng saw that a Amon warrior was talking nonsense, but the other Amon soldiers didn’t stop him. A total of four Amon soldiers and an elder came, and the short elder was so sleepy that he didn’t seem to hear the nonsense of the Amon warrior.
Who is Pavilion Zhang Sheng suddenly asked with a smile.
As soon as the man Huo Ran got up from the sofa, he proudly said, God Amon told the warrior Wushan.
Although Zhang Sheng, the name of Wushan, has never been heard of, it is also known here that Wushan is the first arrogant person in Egypt’s cultivation, but it is also very high. It will help Egypt’s Pharaoh to solve several difficult problems. Wushan must have seen Zhang Sheng with his eyes staring at Zhang Sheng and a face of fighting spirit. He wants to compete with Zhang Sheng on this occasion.
Well, Mr. Wushan, your words must represent Mr. Ai’s practice. Zhang Sheng asked with a smile.
The elder with closed eyes suddenly opened his eyes as if he had just woken up. He glanced at Wushan and looked at Zhang Sheng. His eyes were deep and frightening. He sighed and said slowly, Wushan, you are getting more and more presumptuous. You can also interrupt this occasion casually.
Wushan is unwilling to sit back on the sofa, but he doesn’t forget to give Zhang Sheng a hard stare, which is a provocation or challenge.
The elder looked at Zhang Sheng and smiled. Mr. Zhang was really sorry just now.
You are Zhang Sheng. Continue to smile and ask.
The old man’s pupil suddenly shrank to turbidity, and his eyes looked at Zhang Sheng like a sword. A spirit came through his eyes and Zhang Sheng didn’t care. He still smiled and looked at him. Everyone present was a master, but they were all pregnant and gloated. No one stopped this drama.
Suddenly, Zhang Sheng’s face changed, and his smiling face became cold. Compared with the deep bone marrow chill, everyone present learned Zhang Sheng’s story again. At this time, Zhang Sheng seemed to become a statue of killing God, and his eyes turned crimson. It was also a spirit that met from his eyes. Bang rang like a mountain shaking.
My name is Elder Guligo, and my spirit has turned into a depressed state again.
Zhang Sheng once again lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and stopped talking, but Zhang Sheng’s power just now has shocked people. At this time, London’s great power was overbearing, making the practice on the spot all white. This young leader of Shenzhou Gate was actually very bad-tempered and very strong.
The Pope didn’t stop what happened just now. She knew that she didn’t have the ability to stop these people from coming here, not because of the special status of the Pope, but because she was safe in her life. They were too lazy to come here unless they were afraid that their territory would be destroyed by the immortals.
The storm has passed and the Pope’s sweet girl is ringing again. Believe it or not, the fairy world has indeed come, and the world is a fairy who is very dissatisfied with our cultivation. I can see it from destroying Shushan and then destroying my Vatican. I hope that we earthlings should work together with Qi Xin to deal with this fairy talent.
I agree with the Pope that you can all think about it. It is impossible for us to destroy Rome with one blow and hundreds of kilometers of land in Shushan with one blow. If you still regard this as an accident, I can guarantee that the next loss may be your Zhang Shengfu said.
I agree with Mr. Zhang that we Greek saints are willing to live and die with the Shenzhou Gate, Luo Liegao said. Zhang Sheng smiled and glanced at Luo Lie Luo Lie with a faint smile. This is a strong language. One look can represent everything.
The Pope said that we in Nordic Berserker also deeply admire Mr. Zhang, so we can’t doubt anything about Pope Zhang Sheng. We in the Nordic circle are willing to kick Berserker and build allies against this evil fairy, King Berserker of Northern Europe said lightly
King Berserker of Northern Europe is very tall, full of height, with a head that looks wild, crouching and not angry, with a Nordic man who is very tough, with short blond hair and looks like a spirit sandbag, a pair of fists and black gloves, and his eyes look around. It is worthy of being the most effective Berserker in the world.
Suddenly, everyone looked back together, and everyone here was a master. At this time, they all felt that someone was coming again. They got up from the sofa and looked at seven people flying from the sky.
It’s not good for Zhang Sheng to call a dark name. At this time, the Indian Tianlong Department has come. Zhang Shengyi killed the hag and has already married them. I’m afraid it’s not good to meet the enemy at this moment.
Eldest brother trouble to yuan sleep low said
I’m afraid Zhang Sheng said with a wry smile
Seven people watched and walked into the enchantment. Of course, these seven people saw Zhang Sheng’s department coming towards Zhang Sheng here. Zhang Sheng could bite the bullet and meet him with a wry smile.
Zhang Sheng always apologized for the death of Hag. Zhang Shenggen didn’t want to kill anyone, but at that time, Zhang Sheng was always arrogant and embarrassed to see these seven people.
Zhang Sheng has a bad temper, and naga, the Dragon King, is ready to start.
All the leaders stopped naga.
Grandma, what do you want to do? naga roared
The old woman looked cold and shouted, I told you to back off.

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在这个繁华的都市中,广州以其独特的文化底蕴和现代气息,吸引着无数游客和本地居民。而在这座城市的某个角落,隐藏着一家独具特色的SPA会所,为追求身心平衡的人们提供了一个浪漫的疗愈之旅。 踏入这家SPA会所,仿佛进入了一个静谧的世外桃源。会所内装饰典雅,融合了传统与现代元素,营造出一种温馨而富有品味的氛围。柔和的灯光、舒缓的音乐,让人瞬间放松下来,抛却一切烦恼。 SPA会所提供多种身体护理项目,从经典的瑞典按摩、深层组织按摩到热石按摩,每一项都能有效舒缓肌肉紧张,缓解身体疲劳。此外,还有身体磨砂、海藻敷料、身体包裹等护理项目,让身体得到全面的滋养和呵护。 在专业护理师的指导下,每一位顾客都能享受到量身定制的护理方案。他们根据顾客的需求和身体状况,精心挑选适合的按摩手法和护理项目,确保每位顾客都能获得最佳的身心疗愈效果。 SPA会所的环境设计独具匠心,每个房间都充满了浪漫的气息。宽敞的休息区、舒适的按摩床,以及精心挑选的香薰,让人仿佛置身于一个宁静的港湾,尽情享受这难得的悠闲时光。 在广州SPA之旅中,你可以选择在古音的曼妙中徜徉,也可以沉醉在舞美的流光中。在这里,你可以品味书画的韵味,感受美学与文学的雅致。每一幅名帖或佳画,都是你心间一片月明风清,让你在美学与文学的熏陶中,达到物我两忘的境地。 此外,SPA会所还提供多种特色项目,如泰式按摩、热石理疗、面部护理等,满足不同顾客的需求。在这里,你可以尽情享受一场身心的盛宴,让身体和心灵得到全方位的放松和疗愈。 在广州SPA之旅中,你还可以结识志同道合的朋友,一起分享彼此的喜悦和感悟。在这里,时间仿佛变得缓慢,让人忘却尘世的喧嚣,享受这份难得的宁静与浪漫。 结束这场浪漫的疗愈之旅,你将带着一颗宁静的心,重新投入到繁忙的生活中。在这场身心之旅中,你收获了健康、美丽和快乐,也收获了更加珍惜生活的态度。 总之,广州SPA之旅是一次难忘的浪漫疗愈之旅。在这里,你将邂逅美好的自己,找到内心的宁静,感受生活的美好。不妨给自己一个机会,走进这家SPA会所,邂逅一场属于自己的浪漫疗愈之旅。