Just as the two spheres were hurtling towards Situhao, he dared not delay to cast his shadow in a hurry. The shadow of the first realm, backstab, suddenly disappeared into the air and flew directly to one of the alleys.


Sharp, harsh and broken followed him and rushed towards him. Stuart Hao once again cast his shadow. backstab fled and fled. When he looked back, he was shocked. He didn’t see the killing Qinglong Huo Yaoke, but he was two blue-green balls with the same eyes and ran towards him like a star.
And the blue-green ball is extremely fast and will not be much slower than Stuart Haoli’s shadow backstab’s escape. Chapter 5 Blue-green double ball 4 more.
Seeing the blue-green ball tracking its own speed, Situ Hao couldn’t help being shocked.
Although his shadow backstab posture can barely make the speed of the two spheres even, shadow backstab is completed by force after all, and the two spheres can track him by a slight deviation.
Judging from the sharp single tone, it is impossible for Situ Hao to resist the ball attack at present. He can never meet the two balls, otherwise it will be difficult to escape from Huo Yao.
Situhao kept casting his shadow. backstab’s posture was the most extreme speed to avoid the tracking of two balls. At this time, his force was still very strong. At that time, it was impossible for two balls to track Situhao
Several times, Situhao wanted to escape in the form of illusion, but he found with horror that Huo Yao had already flown to high school and looked at the situation from a commanding height.
Under such conditions, if Situ Hao wants to be unreal, he can do his best to dazzle Huo. I’m afraid the secret of animal cultivation will be exposed to the world.
Although he has practiced the beast-repairing secret book "God beast" today, what he can conjure up is just a weak first-order god beast. It would be impossible if Tianwu knew about the beast-repairing secret book and he wanted to run away again.
Little beast, you are the shadow of the wind, and Huo Yao flies in the air, and asks Situhao in an amazing voice.
Shadow travelling with the wind is an ancient secret method, and this technique is unique in the south today. For the vast majority of martial arts of Xianmo, they simply don’t know the shadow travelling with the wind. When Huo Yao drank the shadow travelling with the wind, those martial arts didn’t react much.
Situhao at this time, taking care of his own extreme speed and avoiding two balls to track the root, he will be distant and Huoyao HeWen.
Of course, even if he meets him, he can’t tell him that he is a shadow with the wind.
After all, it’s a great secret that the spirit leads to nirvana in his mind. He must never let anyone know that he leads nirvana with the spirit.
Spirit leads to nirvana. Stuart Hao has learned a little about this treasure. If it is known by Tianwu, I am afraid it will arouse people’s admiration more than making up ancient scrolls in his mouth.
Huo dazzling see SiTuHao without HeWen for yourself will be in a hurry to fly down, he has seen SiTuHao shadow backstab escape direction.
Blink of an eye HuoYaoFei fell to the ground directly in front of the SiTuHao.
Huo Yao was extremely fast. When he stood in front of Situhao, Situhao wanted to run away from the other side. It was only with horror that he found that two spheres had been closely tracked behind him. Huo Yao formed a very accurate encirclement with him and kept him on the spot.
Fortunately, at this time, the two spheres have stopped attacking and have not launched an attack on him.
Situhao froze and stood on the spot, and his heart was full of horror. Only then did he find that the blue-green ball was still smart. Generally, Huo Yao controlled not to have strong attack power but to have flexible tracking ability.
I’m afraid these two spheres are also rare artifacts, and Huo Yao has formed a very strong inspiration, which can induce Huo Yao’s mind to perfectly cooperate with his ideas.
One force is comparable to grandpa’s powerful force. Two artifacts have been channeled to a perfect state. Although they are one person and two devices, they are no less powerful than three ninth-order weapons.
Situhao was surrounded by Huo Yao’s two spheres, and he immediately felt that he had been enveloped by powerful forces. If Huo Yao wanted to kill himself, he would try to escape from their encirclement, which was just like daydreaming.
Don’t think about running away, little beast, or I’m sure you’ll die in a moment without even slag, Huo Yao said with a murderous voice.
Faced with such a situation, Situ Haoran knew that Huo Yao’s words were not half false.
Situhao’s heart is full of horror at this time, but his face is not half a point. It is a face of cold standing on the spot, and his eyes are coldly looking at Huo Yao’s killing if he wants to kill.
I’m sure I’ll kill you. Before I kill you, I want to know that you are a shadow with the wind.
Are you sure I’m using the shadow with the wind?
Situhao asked Luo Huoyao to be shocked immediately.
Shadow travelling with the wind is an ancient secret method, and not many people know it. Moreover, this set of secret methods is the secret method of Nanjia family, which is impossible according to the Tao.
Moreover, both the fairy and the demon know that Situhao killed the south wind, Nanyue Peak, assassinated the king, and swore to Tianwu that he would kill Situhao. No matter how you think about the south wind, it is impossible to give his shadow to Situhao with the wind.
I hesitated for a long time before Huo Yao said firmly, I once saw the south wind cast shadows with the wind when I was young. I’m sure you just cast shadows with the wind. It’s doubtful. Did you find shadows with the wind and practice the secrets to get this set of ancient secrets?
It is most appropriate to explain it like this now.
Situhao’s face is always cold. When Huo Yao’s voice falls to the ground, his face smiles noncommittally, don’t you think?
It’s really nice of you to have a small fortune. You’ve got the remnants of ancient times, and now you’ve got the shadow of the split thunder blade. I’m afraid it won’t happen to you like this. No wonder you were able to break this name in Xianmo mainland at an early age. It’s the biggest headache for Wu. After more than a year, you avoided the assassination of Wang Nanfeng and dozens of people from Xuanmo Island. If you practice the secret method, I can still let you die happily, Huo Yao said proudly.
Huo Yao’s words immediately made Situhao angry and scold you for his mother’s illness or death. Do you know these things when you are old? I think you are a fucking idiot. Kill me now. If you want me to practice the secret method, you will die. Chapter 6 flashes and 5 watches.
Huo Yao is a proud man. Although he asked for extreme courtesy, when Situ Hao’s voice fell to the ground, his face turned big and he gnashed his teeth with anger. Little beast, in fact, Lao Gen doesn’t want you to practice any ancient secret methods. Since you dare to reprimand me, now I will send you to Jiuyou Hell to hum and crack the thunder blade. I am determined.
Just as Huo Yao was talking, Situhao had already condensed the force, moved his right hand, cracked the thunder blade and swung it directly to the blue ball on the right.
Situhao was suddenly attacking, and the lightning blade suddenly split on the blue ball and made a loud noise. The ball was hit by Situhao and flew back.
In the loud noise, Situ Hao also felt a heavy force, and the crack of the lightning blade entered his right hand, which made him want to hold the crack of the lightning blade and almost fly it.

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