"Disappeared during the day?"


She still looks like Leng Yan, and her temperament is getting more and more dusty. Her eyes are as sharp as a mountain.
"What are those things?"
"Is it black fog?"
"I can feel the darkness and deep feeling, which is almost consistent with the atmosphere in the reverse world."
"What black fog will appear outside the door …"
She turned around.
Behind him is a piece of decomposing black sludge.
"This should have something to do with black people."
"These things have been flooded outside Cramer’s door. What the hell happened here …"
Fei Mei’s eyebrows were slightly picked, and then the figure flashed across the peak.
She is ready to go home.
Sunseeker Tong looked at the sky and saw that the doll fell to the ground.
She and Xun Bird are on the balcony.
They can clearly see that the fortress is shrouded in dark clouds, and the thick black clouds make Sunseeker Tong feel very uncomfortable.
They bring a gloomy and deep feeling.
And I don’t know what makes Sunseeker Tong feel itchy behind his neck.
She couldn’t help scratching the back of her neck.
Then I heard Kaori say in a low and dignified voice, "That’s not a cloud, that’s a black fog. It’s very thick black fog."
"Is this the so-called’ first stage’?" Not long ago, the bird hung its waist tightly, and the sun sent a sword "Mourner".
"Kaoru, you said we wouldn’t go back to help Tianyang." The bird’s eyes left the top of his head and the black fog fell on Kaoru’s face. Kaoru didn’t answer, but turned around and squatted down to smile and said to Sunseeker Tong, "Although it’s not bright, I still want to eat breakfast."
"You go to have breakfast first, and I’ll talk to your little bird sister."
Sunseeker tong nodded cleverly without disturbing them to pick up the fallen dolls.
After Sunseeker Tong left, Kaoru got up again and looked at the dark fog. "I think we should leave Fort Glory."
"Tianyang, what sent us here is to worry about us?"
"If we stay with him, it will hinder him."
"And I don’t think God is something we can handle."
"It’s better to protect ourselves than to help others. Protect Sunseeker Tong."
"I think this is helping."
The bird nodded, "I’m doing what we can for nothing, don’t hold back the sun."
"That’s it."
Every word they said fell into the ears of Sunseeker Tong.
After absorbing a lot of’ debris’, Xi Tong doesn’t know how much stronger he is, but he knows that he can do many things that he couldn’t do before.
"Well, protecting yourself is the greatest help for dad."
"Tong Tong should also work hard!"
The little girl clenched her little fist to cheer herself up, and then she felt an itch behind her neck and scratched her hand a few more times.
When she came to the restaurant and saw the food on the table, she rushed over.
After holding her in one hand, she was led to "wash her hands"
It’s Qianhong.
Among the three sisters, Xi Tong is most afraid of Qianhong.
Although this’ elder sister’ looks the youngest, she is afraid every time she stares at Sunseeker Tong.
Qian Hong frowned at this moment and dialed Sunseeker Tong’s hair. After seeing her, her neck turned red.
"What happened to your neck?" Qianhong asked
Sunseeker Tong obediently replied, "I don’t know what’s going on, but I always feel itchy there."
"May be bitten by some bug. Let tea give you medicine after dinner. Don’t catch it. Be careful to catch the skin." Qian Hong said and walked towards the table.
Sunseeker Tong’ Oh’ and spat out his tongue, thinking that Sister Qianhong looked fierce but also very heart-warming.
At this moment, behind the hair of Sunseeker Tong and behind her neck, there was a hairline crack.

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