"But also a saint’s words are days!


Ha ha ha ~ ~ "Tongtian leader laughed and said," Does he know his number of days and I don’t know my number of days?
It’s just that it’s hard to round the moon now. Go to Lupeng to see you, two teachers and grandfathers. "
Ling Qing led the life out of Wanxian Array, and Lu Peng met Yang Jian and others.
Before he could speak, Nezha pointed to him and asked, "What are you doing here?"
Lingqing stared at Nezha because he had a hand in today’s Nezha, which is still molded in flesh.
However, the lotus body left by Biyun Tong is like a magic weapon that can resist soul damage.
So that he can still be unscathed in the face of Zhang Guifang’s name-calling and high-attracting soul beads
At this time, the lotus body is still his body.
Seeing this, Lingqing smiled and made a kotow and said, "I have come to see two grandfathers at the behest of my family, and I want to borrow my brother’s advice."
Nezha saw his one eye and turned to Lu Peng to leave the two masters.
Soon Lu Peng said, "Grandmaster ordered you to go."
Ling Qing, Lu Peng, kowtowed before the two grandfathers.
Old watch Bi Xiang Lingqing said, "I know that the sun will break the Wan Xian array."
Lingqing also didn’t say much about saying goodbye. The two got up and Lupeng.
There is a western leader from the other side who came to Wanxian Array.
The Taoist priest-in-waiting made a kowtow when he saw the elder brother coming to meet Lao Yuan. "Taoist friends are invited!"
The four religious leaders returned to Lu Peng and sat in Yuan Dao. "Two Taoist brothers are here to help Zhou Shi. If the battle is broken in the future, they will do everything. It is a kind of ear for those who visit Tao Xiuzhen after difficulties."
Then the Taoist said, "Being an original person is destined to cross the river alone. According to my opinion, there are many evil people and few right people in the Wanxian Array, so they can’t stand the fate and dare not be strong."
Lao Dao said, "Our master is full today, so we can quickly break this array and let him return to Yuan’s roots early, without losing our relief."
Yuan ordered Jiang Shang to come over and ask, "Did you break the four swords of the Fairy Array the day before yesterday?"
Tooth way "this sword is where my brother is"
Yuan Ling took out four swords with his teeth, and presented Yuan with the swords of "killing", "trapping" and "absolutely".
Yuan see four kendo "this sword is refined by Daoqing Tonger, but luckily he has made it clear that the rules of killing and transporting will be refined into the middle."
Stay with me. I will kill this god and hook it together, and it will be comparable to one day. "
Immediately, he pointed the pen at the four words of "Zhu", "Slay", "Trap" and "Jue" and fell into the four swords.
Life guangcheng, red essence, jade tripod reality, Tao Tian Zun four people came to pay, "you four people, but when we entered the array, there was a golden bridge rising in front of the hexagrams. You four rushed into the encirclement to offer this sword first."
It turned out that the sword he taught was not ours, so the evil karma was also. "
He also said to the teeth, "Anyone who meets us in the future can enter the array to finish the disaster."
Tooth got the decree to Lu Peng to pay the humanitarian "Japan broke the Wanxian array, and everyone entered the array to see the fate of the male and female."
Many people heard that be in heaven didn’t watch.
Lingqing returned to Wanxian Array and replied to the leader of Tongtian. The leader took a look at the arrival and led the Taoist priest to say, "Then wait for another day and get ready with peace of mind."
"Yes!" Wanxian Qiqi should way
See the tongtian hierarch close your eyes and wander around the gods, and the immortals prepare for each other, and the Taoist priest and others in the corner of the hexagram platform prepare for each other.
Previously, when the Virgin gave herself a magic weapon to the Taoist Spirit and others for self-defense, there was only one sword left, which was also brushed away by Kong Xuan’s five-color divine light in the fairy array.
Good spirit and youth are ready to make the golden wheel of merit and the wonderful tree of Wanbao.
Now Wan Xian array is more dangerous than Zhu Xian array, and it is naturally impossible for him to take it back at this time.
So at this time, the two treasures are still in the hands of the Virgin.
And he still has treasures such as Wan Hua Fu Chen, Xing He Tu, Imperial Spirit Whip, Mixed Yuan Zan, Yehuo Honglian, Wan Baojian, Yin Yang Furnace, etc.
The most important thing is that Qing Di Jiuchongque has been no less powerful than some powerful innate Lingbao since he was refined into Linghuang Daoguo.
Previously, I was able to resist Pangu Zan’s attack when I killed the fairy array.
Although it was made by the cloud, although it was killed after a blow.
But also visible power.
In addition, he also has six soul banners given by the Tongtian leader.
With the arrival of the leader, he took back the green ping sword and purple hammer from the hands of Notre Dame Dolly and Notre Dame Turtle.
After all, if you don’t have a magic weapon, it’s him, the sage and the four saints will join hands to get out of several rounds.
However, he didn’t want to leave the six souls, and Ling Qing didn’t return them.
He tidied up a magic weapon and finally took out this triangular banner.
At this time, the six banners are still like this.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and thirty-one A total of ten thousand immortals
According to the suggestion of Lingqing and others, the leader of Tongtian decided to directly open the Wanxian Array for the final battle.
All these six souls are dying.

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