Bolton couldn’t understand what Wang Lei said, and he didn’t know that Wang Lei could understand him. He quickly adjusted his posture and murmured.


"The yellow-skinned monkey could have killed you by shaving. It seems that we should take it seriously against you-point the gun!"
At Wang Lei’s voice, Bolton’s ferocious face suddenly appeared in front of him. Ten fingers in his hands almost turned into ghosting terror. The strong breeze rushed at Wang Lei’s fingertips and sent out a series of dense balls of light as if it had turned several bullets and went straight for Wang Lei’s life.
"So that’s it. I mean, it’s so familiar. So you practiced Navy Six." Before Wang Lei’s eyes flashed, he saw that Bolton’s disappearance was not a teleport, but a strange pace, and the speed of terror broke out, which made it almost impossible to capture the figure
This kind of footwork is familiar to Wang Lei, but I can’t remember this scene at the moment. After Bolton said "shaving" and "pointing a gun", Wang Lei immediately remembered it. Isn’t this the six styles of one piece in the navy?
Wang Lei was a little surprised by the appearance of the Navy Six Style. This plane kung fu and everyone’s cultivation of Qi formula are unfathomable. Wang Lei’s years of exploration have also slightly understood the fur. Now it is only in comics that the Navy Six Style actually appeared. This really surprised Wang Lei.
Wang Lei eyes suddenly cold hand a palm boom was born dead like a magic flame surging out and pouncing on Bolton.
All over the sky refers to shooting at the magic flame, but it didn’t do any substantial harm to Wang Lei. Bolton was shocked to find that his strength seemed to be absorbed by the strange energy of the other side and fought back against himself.
"What the hell is this! How can it be so weird? "
Bolton surly low curse 1, although angry, but dare not be the dead melee immediately use shave figure instantaneous half legs split to leg gas instantaneous squeezed out and boom to form a real zone like moonlight towards Wang Lei chop.
This type is the blue foot in the navy’s six types. At this moment, Bolton’s foot is more powerful than the weapon. Bolton’s eyes show a cruel smile. He believes that even the steel’s own blue foot can easily split the situation.
Wang Lei felt the power of the other side’s foot. He didn’t choose to avoid it, but vigorously king kong palm confronted the foot and fought back. king kong palm was a strong palm technique in Shaolin’s seventy-two stunts, but his physical characteristics were great and full of Buddhist pride. However, now this set of strong Buddhist martial arts, Wang Lei’s hand, is like an evil spirit being born, and the eerie atmosphere is suddenly filled with heaven and earth.
Wang Lei was the purest lifeless person who had already turned the physical anger into the dead at this time, which drove the Buddhist palm to slap the foot of Bolton Lan.
When Bolton saw Wang Lei didn’t escape, he felt something was wrong. When his feet collided with Wang Lei and king kong palm, Bolton felt that his feet were like kicking a high mountain, and all the forces were easily removed. At the same time, he also felt a terrorist force, and his bones trembled wildly, as if to be broken. His body was directly blown away by Wang Lei’s forces.
"How is it possible!"
Bolton let out a heart-rending cry of pain, his face changed, and his heart trembled with horror. It seemed that he couldn’t believe that the other side was so powerful. Facing that terrible force, Bolton didn’t dare to keep his body. Suddenly, his skin shook, and paint was black and solid as steel. His mouth rose with an evil smile.
"It looks like a yellow monkey is cracked."
Chapter seventy-one Navy six types (3)
Wang Lei couldn’t help shouting out its name in surprise at this move. I didn’t expect Bolton to learn it even.
"But what about this? Play with you for a while … "
Looking at the idea of taking a look at the navy’s six styles, Wang Lei looked coldly at Bolton’s efforts to resolve his own strength. He stepped up unhurriedly and jumped up like a bird. king kong palm slammed into Bolton’s steel body
Crash! Crash! Crash!
Every time you clap Bolton’s body, it’s like King Kong hitting Hong Zhong and making a loud metal collision. In front of Wang Lei’s terrorist forces, Bolton’s body is directly hit by the bomb, and the bones collide and make a creaking sound.
Bolton screamed and finally realized that he was facing a fear color for the first time in his master’s eyes, but at the moment he was a trapped animal in a cage, and he could bite the bullet and he decided to use the last weapon to see his feet trample on him very quickly like a sharp arrow.
However, in the middle of the journey, a disease light flashed like a flash of generate, and two pieces of Bolton’s body fell from it. The body fell to pieces, and the red meat was mixed with mud. It was a dark red scene.
"His last move is to walk on the moon."
Wang Lei murmured that he had seen the animation in PQ17 and was a little impressed with the so-called navy six-style, so he was caught off guard when Bolton shot.
Wang Lei looked thoughtfully at Bolton’s falling direction, and Bolton’s strength was far from being displayed by himself. The Navy Six Type was so easy to be cracked by Wang Lei. If you change your strength, Wang Lei’s almost foreigner master’s Navy Six Type will probably cause you a lot of trouble.
From this point of view, although foreigners’ martial arts are different in China, they are not much worse than Chinese martial arts. Wang Lei suddenly gave birth to foreigners’ contact ideas to see the top strong foreigners.
There are many rivers in the sea, but only by learning from others can we have the opportunity to improve our own ability and knowledge, so is the martial arts. There are clouds outside people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. If we don’t go out and see, we will never know that we are small.
Make a decision. Wang Lei will set off for the sea without stopping any more.
Stay soon after Wang Lei disappeared, Bolton mercenaries completely destroyed several figures flying around, and suddenly a few blondes and blue-eyed foreigners came to the ground where the bodies of mercenary groups were lying.
All these foreigners have a strong breath, and none of them are hidden. The first middle-aged man with a red beard in Bolton is even more imposing, and he has an unfathomable temperament. Everywhere he goes, the atmosphere seems to condense.
Seeing the corpse on the ground, all these foreigners flew into a rage and flew into a rage.
"Damn it, the Bolton people are all dead. Who killed them? This man has such great ability to make the Bolton army annihilate!"
A handsome white man, angry with murder in his eyes, almost speaks fluent English.
"The people who can stay in Bolton may come from our west, the sick man of East Asia, but they are not so capable. Are they Prussians? They have always been at odds with you French?"
Another white man sink a way
"Hey Caesar, don’t talk nonsense. Prussia wouldn’t do such a thing!" The handsome white man looked angrily at the latter with anger in his eyes.
"Bolton is dead, and the loss is the strength of our Wall Gun Team. What am I happy about?" Caesar remained indifferent
"Don’t deceive gentlemen. There’s no need for pity for losers."
At this time, the handsome white man Caesar, a middle-aged man with a indifferent look, immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking about it
The middle-aged man in Honghu nodded like an eagle’s eyes swept over the bodies on the ground. "I can’t feel the power of the barbarians in Prussia. If I hadn’t guessed that this evil death force should belong to the yellow-skinned monkey."

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