Ouyang Feng laughed. "That’s good, old urchin. Let’s fight first?"


Zhou Botong, seeing that his staff was strange to the snake, gave himself up and shouted, "The old urchin is unarmed today. Why don’t we show our hands?"
Ouyang Feng said, "Today’s contest is about winning or losing. You are unarmed. You can find your disciple!"
The old urchin was speechless for a moment and then replied, "I don’t even weigh their weapons." At this time, there was an old man at the bottom of the mountain in the north with a gentle voice. "But Bo Tong Mian? Poor monk Duan Zhixing has something for you. "
There are two people in Zhou Botong’s generation who can’t hide. One is Yi Deng, and the other is Ying Gu, who met Ying Gu the other day and looked for him. He was so scared that his ass was running out of urine. I didn’t think that today’s Huashan sword theory Yi Deng didn’t come yesterday, and he didn’t come back today. Yi Deng didn’t come back either.
Zhou Botong shouted "No, old urchin" and ran south with oil on the soles of his feet. He didn’t forget to say hello to Ouyang Feng. "Old poison, the old urchin will pick you up another day today."
At this time, there was another woman in the south. "Duan Huangye didn’t let me dismember Qiu Qianren into ten thousand pieces yesterday, and I agreed; Today, you have to help me catch the old urchin according to my one thing, then our affairs will be written off. "Li Zhichang heard this is Yinggu sound.
Zhou Botong heard Ying Gu’s voice again and almost didn’t fall down in fright. He said, "What day is it today? These two enemies are all together." Feet run faster. Yi Deng Ying Gu saw him detour from the south mountain and chased him from the side.
When Ouyang Feng heard Yi Deng’s voice, his heart panicked. In today’s world, if anyone can be one-on-one with one hundred percent certainty, it will be better than him. It’s really his frog skill nemesis. Both the old urchin and Yi Deng have left, and two enemies have taught him to be unhappy.
Li Zhichang then laughed, "This is my granduncle’s departure. Mr. Ouyang can be satisfied."
Ouyang Feng said, "What am I happy about? Can you beat the old poison if you beat Qiu Qianren?"
Li Zhichang saw his one eye and said, "Well, I’ll try Huangdao Lord and Hong Wang. Come with me. The first day is the first day, and the first day is the first day. I really decided today."
Huang Yaoshi grunted, "Don’t be arrogant. I want to see what you can do." He is the most arrogant. The more he befriends Li Zhichang, the more he has to compare with Li Zhichang.
He surrendered to Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng, saying, "Brother Seven, Brother Feng, don’t wait for me to beat this little brother before you learn from the two wise brothers." Since Li Zhichang has verve, he naturally doesn’t want to lose momentum. Huang Rong’s knot has gradually solved his admiration for Hong Qigong people. Yesterday, tit-for-tat was angry words. Today, most of the anger has been eliminated, so’ Brother Seven’ is commensurate.
Hong Qigong knew that both of them were arrogant, and he was afraid that Li Zhichang and Huang Yaoshi would really stop fighting for each other, so he decided to watch the game and decide who was in danger of life before the rescue.
Ouyang Feng is eager for two people to fight to the death. If Hong Qigong goes to help when they are fighting for life and death, he must be stopped.
True seven is secretly alert Ouyang Feng to prevent him from suddenly and violently attacking later. Each side has its own constraints, but it is balanced. Huang Rong is very entangled on one side and both sides are close to him. It is not good to hurt anyone then, but she knows that she can’t change their minds.
Huang Yaoshi and Li Zhichang hand in hand, both of them have learned a lot, and their talents are the best. Huang Yaoshi, the contemporary generation, lost his sword palm, Li Zhichang, and Huang Yaoshi, the magical power of playing the fingers, Li Zhichang, went back to Du Jie, and the two of them had different boxing or leg skills. It was really easy for you to come and go.
It’s been more than 200 strokes. Huang Yaoshi has been fighting for a long time, but he doesn’t feel anxious about it. The palm shadow flutters and moves quickly. Lun was greatly pressured by Li Zhichang. In the end, he is the best. He didn’t practice much at ordinary times. At this time, he saw that Huang Yaoshi’s palm was like a mountain, and he was heavily pressed to his body. Although he admired each other’s move, he didn’t panic in his heart. Since he was better than Huang Yaoshi, he was determined to be moved by nothing. Although Huang Yaoshi stepped up his offensive, he couldn’t stand him.
After a while, Huang Yaoshi’s special five turns have made his offensive impossible to go up forever, and finally there is stagnation. It is this moment that Li Zhichang seized him and hit Huang Yaoshi’s shoulder with a blow. Huang Yaoshi Li Zhichang, a young player, lost a move with a sigh. Just now, Li Zhichang’s palm was Qiu Qianren’s iron palm, and the iron palm changed subtly. The palm of his hand is the most powerful way to help Huang Yaoshi’s gas machine switch to stagnation. Li Zhichang, a martial arts wizard, has seen Qiu Qianqi once and pondered it later. He probably understood the essence in his understanding. Although he is not as good as Qiu Qianren, he is a bit more savvy. Of course, if Qiu Qianren gets along with him, he can’t get to Huang Yaoshi. After all, Li Zhichang is better.
Li Zhichang smiled and said, "Huangdao has accepted."
Huang Yaoshi said to Huang Rong, "Rong Er’s dad is going back. Will you come with me?" Since he lost, he has no face to stay to see if Huang Rong wants to play with Li Zhichang for a while.
Huang Rong couldn’t answer for a moment. Huang Yaoshi knew her mind. He laughed and went to Li Zhichang. Since he can beat him, Huang Yaoshi doesn’t have to worry about Huang Rong’s safety.
Li Zhichang continued without rest, "Which one of you will come first?"
Hong Qigong said, "Li Xiao, take a rest first. It’s not taking advantage of you to keep screaming."
Li Zhichang Road "hinders"
Hong Qigong saw that he insisted on such a service road. "Old calling doesn’t take advantage of you. If I can’t take you for three hundred strokes, I will throw in the towel." But he didn’t beat the dog because he could send and receive weapons from the heart by palm force, but not necessarily.
Hong Qigong will make the future palm wind sweep ten feet away. Li Zhichang exclaimed that Hong Qigong’s palm strength is much worse than that of two years ago. When Rouke just followed Hong Qigong’s age, it was not light. When the dragon’s ten palms were recruited, it was already one hundred and sixty-two palms. Although it was still fierce and biting, its stamina was gradually declining.
Hong Qigong andao this little just had a fight with Huang Laoxie. I didn’t expect that it is still full of energy. Instead, I lost to him.
Li Zhichang has reached the realm of combining rigidity with softness, although it is defensive, but it implicitly contains the counterattack posture. Hong Qigong’s ten palms are gradually losing their power. Next to Huang Rong, he counted three hundred fists and saw that Li Zhichang was defeated. He was very happy with one stroke and one trick. Hong Qigong’s ear heard her count to two hundred and ninety-nine, and he couldn’t help but be competitive and rise up. Suddenly, he hit the past with one hand, which was "Kang Long has regrets". This stroke was both heartfelt and repented. He was afraid that Li Zhichang could not resist being seriously injured. Li Zhi often saw that his palm was far more powerful than the
See two hands offset stalemate Hong Qigong see him pick up the palm can’t help but be overjoyed and seriously injured Li Zhichang almost chagrined, knowing that the other party actually caught the pity in his heart, which greatly increased his intention to make Li Zhichang famous, so he slowly recovered his palm, and Li Zhichang didn’t want to fight with Hong Qigong for life and death and also recovered his palm.
At this moment, seven exclamations and one Li Zhichang felt that the wind was blowing behind them. Most of them knew that Ouyang Feng was careless when he saw them competing to pick up cheap. However, he and Hong Qigong had recovered their palm power, but they also came to remedy him by shrinking a few inches to avoid Ouyang Feng’s blow to the back of his head and snake the raccoon dog to turn over his kung fu to hide from him. On that day, this recruit avoided Ouyang Ke’s sneak attack. Today, this recruit avoided Ouyang Feng’s sneak attack. It is really unspeakable.

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