The mountain giant was stronger than expected, but his physical injury aroused his fierceness. His feet stomped heavily on the whole valley, and there was a slight tremor. The mountain giant sidestepped a string of renju fireballs, raised his hand, swept a magic hand, slapped the magic rider, and tumbled the magician out.


A member of the Dark Moon Gate who rode a magic hand just flew near the magician’s landing point and saw the magician fly over. He grabbed the magician’s belt and caught him from the middle.
Mcleish didn’t expect that the large magic matrix of Dark Moon Gate could bind the mountain giant for a few seconds, and there was no wound caused by him, but two wizards were injured in the battle.
Seeing that the dark wizards summoned the hell, the punishment demon and the evil eye also defeated the mountain giant mcleish and strode to the dark magician Flanagan with gritted teeth.
The wizard Flanagan has just summoned the demon of hell and spent a lot of mana. His face is slightly pale.
Hard work to build a summoning circle was crushed by a mountain giant, and all the magical runes worth 100 gold were destroyed. He could also take seven black wizards out of the battlefield temporarily. At noon, he laughed at mcleish’s ability, but now he finally understood mcleish’s feeling of bitterness and unspeakable taste.
Flanagan magician saw mcleish coming and hurriedly got up politely and said politely, "Speaking of which, it’s a little ashamed that the demon summoned by the magic circle is less than a level difference with the mountain giant. There is no such thing in front of this mountain giant."
"Our forbidden magic is nothing. This time I formally invite you to join our second plan!" The magician in mcleish said, "I’m going to withdraw some wizards to build a temporary array, so the priory will also take part in containing the mountain giants."
"We will try our best to finish it!" Flanagan magician seriously said
Mcleish nodded and then Flanagan wizard discussed sending wizards to take turns to contain the mountain giants.
And mcleish magician overnight with a group of hands in a hidden forest valley to build a temporary array.
Surdak and Carol took turns staring at the war in this valley.
It was not until noon the next day that the magician mcleish finally built a temporary delivery door in the hidden woodland on the edge of the ruins.
Put a lot of magic spar into the gem base at will, and the magic door will slowly run. A dark moon door wizard walks into the temporary door.
"What are they doing?" Carol looked at a send array built up and asked doubtfully.
"Estimation is to pull the dark moon door reinforcements in …" Surdak said lightly.
After saying his word, teams of tall soldiers wrapped in linen entered the valley through the door. These soldiers held tridents in their hands, and several graceful figures appeared in the team, but they were equally tall.
This group of soldiers moved quickly and soon arranged in a square array at the entrance of the ruins.
Riding a magic whip in the sky, the wizards continued to be involved in the graceful figures of the mountain giants, holding crystal balls in their hands. First, they looked around the valley, then they chose Surdak to hide the mountain and climbed halfway up the mountain without stopping.
Surdak also found their whereabouts and was considering whether to have a fight and then evacuate. I didn’t expect the group of people to stop halfway up the mountain. At the same time, he also saw the true identity of this group of tall figures. These people were actually a group of fishtail personal warriors-Pompeii.
These guys are covered with scales, and those strong soldiers are covered with green scales with a trident in one hand and a solid conch shell in the other.
Three witches Flanagan and mcleish magicians from the group of Pompeii who climbed halfway up the mountain immediately went to Pompeii, the leader of Pompeii, to discuss the battle plan together.
Those Pompeii warriors did not immediately enter the battlefield. Nearly 300 Pompeii warriors were surrounded by huge encirclement.
And halfway up the mountain, Pompeii warriors moved out twenty conch shells, which were like huts. These shells were engraved with lengthy magical runes. Three Pompeii witches quickly inlaid some snow-white pearls and magical gems into conch shells.
This time, all the dark moon door wizards withdrew from it, and six black wizards of the priory restrained the mountain giant.
Magician mcleish put up a flash matrix formation on the hillside this time. Three Pompeii witches kept casting spells. The conch shells on the mountainside kept flashing magic light, and a large amount of seawater poured out from the conch shells. These seawater did not flow down the hillside to the bottom of the valley. A large amount of seawater seemed to be restrained by a force, and it poured out from the conch shells and hoarded the mountainside, just like being admitted into a limited bathtub.
With the influx of seawater, the three Pompeii witches held their hands high almost at the same time to control this hillside and build a huge wave of tens of meters high.
The mountain giant finally found that the hillside here was strange. He got rid of the entanglement of the black wizard and strode to the side to hide the forest. Pompeii soldiers still did not attack.
At this time, mcleish and members of the Dark Moon Gate once again gathered a huge snake. This flashing chain directly pumped the mountain giant and turned it into a series of circles to firmly bind the mountain giant in place.
You can clearly hear Pompeii witch Janna singing a spell at the top of Surdak Tibetan Mountain …
As the spell fell, the tens of meters high sea water accumulated halfway up the mountain instantly turned into a horde of horses rushing towards the mountain giants. The front wave swept the mountain giants with the rocks and trees in the valley.
At the same time, nearly 300 Pompeii soldiers plunged into the sea and rushed to the mountain giants along the surging tide.
Seeing the huge tide in the valley, Surdak and Carol both looked at the scene in shock …
Chapter 565 Escape from birth
The sea water is wrapped with a large number of rolling stones and huge trees, forming the first huge wave to photograph the mountain giants.
The sea didn’t directly cross the mountain giant’s waist, so the mountain giant suddenly retreated two steps. It tried to maintain its body balance and make itself stable in the sea against the tide.
It clumsily picked up a huge log from the sea and swung its arm against the wave and hit it halfway up the mountain.
Before he could, it withdrew its hand, and then a higher wave rushed to its chest and the sea directly flooded it. For the first time, the mountain giant panicked and roared, and his arms flapped and waved in the sea. He wanted to go high, and a huge wood hit his chest head on. His body fell back and fell into the sea like a hill, and his body was instantly submerged by the sea …
Hundreds of Pompeii warriors armed with trident shuttled back and forth in the sea, full of boulders and rolling stones. They had giant tails like mermaids, with giant tails and no tail fins at the end, but pointed tail axils and elbows like moray eels with dark red fins to let them swim freely in the sea.
When the mountain giant was knocked down by the waves, this group of Pompeii warriors swam towards the mountain giant in the sea, and suddenly a fierce battle broke out on the sea, and the mountain giant disappeared, and the sea water was like boiling.
Then the mountain giant reached out of the water with an arm harder than a rock and several tridents in his arm. Pompeii soldiers jumped into the water one after another, and then the mountain giant’s head came out of the water with some wet branches hanging overhead. It got up from the sea very awkwardly, but there was another huge tide coming at him …
Surdak never dreamed that the reinforcements found by Dark Moon Gate were actually a group of Pompeii warriors. These personal eel-tailed warriors can almost reach five or six meters in length and freely shuttle through the sea.
This valley is a natural crater, and there are no low-lying gaps around it. The sea tide summoned by the Pompeii witch suddenly turned the valley into a Wang Yang mountain giant. The sea water is full of eddies everywhere. He is unstable and there are constantly Pompeii warriors attacking his body.
It can resist a sudden roar and face the tidal waves coming from the mountains. The mountain giant finds that he is close to the mountainside and can make an unwilling roar and flee towards the north side of the circular valley, trying to cross the mountains and escape into the depths of the Pagros Mountains.

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