"Lorenzo Hobbes, the envoy of the Orc Empire! On behalf of the Beast King, I wish the Emperor a long and healthy life! I wish the Yanhuang Empire a prosperous future! I wish the Yanhuang Empire and the Orc Empire peace forever! I wish the Yanhuang Alliance unbreakable! "


Lorenzo, the waiter of the Orc Empire, came out and saluted Su Yu respectfully.
"Gift Lorenzo! I have received the message from the Beast King. Do you have anything else to report? "
Su Yu with the wave walked over and said
It was Andrew’s intention to send a messenger. Don’t say that his mouth is as sweet as honey.
Before being able to ensure loyalty and talent, Su Yu likes to enjoy flattery.
After all, the emperor is also a man with worldly desires, and it is normal for human beings to like to be touted.
Lorenzo smiled, knelt on one knee and said respectfully, "The Beast King had asked the Chinese Empire that there was a deity that could create mechanical energy, high people’s livelihood and factory power! And there is also a factory with a number of production lines! "
"As we all know, the orc empire war is in ruins! Lorenzo came here today to ask the emperor to give a helping hand to help the orc empire speed up the restoration of national strength! "
Lorenzo said word for word. I can see that Lorenzo is a guy who worships the Chinese Empire. He speaks authentic human language fluently and has a peculiar dialect of the Imperial City.
Lorenzo’s words immediately made a group of foreign messengers look at Su Yu nervously.
In fact, these alien emissaries have long known Lorenzo’s idea, and they are also holding the same present.
Who let the Yanhuang Empire come up with something too powerful recently? It’s not a packet for the national strength to rise! If the development speed of the national strength of the former Yanhuang Empire was equivalent to jogging by one person, then the development speed of the current Yanhuang Empire can be called flying with great strength!
The so-called "scientific and technological body" pounded out by the Yanhuang Empire is not a small thing that every country and race is greedy for it.
And the countries behind these emissaries are all members of the Yanhuang Alliance. It is reasonable to say that they are the most promising first to obtain these sacred objects from the Yanhuang Empire! It is also the core technology!
Everyone in the past knows who has mastered the core technology, who has mastered the powerful military capability and who is king!
Now the Yanhuang Empire is the hottest king in the East China! Everyone is eager to get his reward for the king!
Su Yu nodded slightly thoughtfully and then said softly, "You and I are allied with each other, and I should help the orc empire privately! However, the Yanhuang Empire has invested a lot of effort and energy in developing and manufacturing these things, and it is not counted. "
"If I simply send these things out, even the officials and the people will not agree first."
Su Yu sighed slightly and looked helpless.
As if to prove Su Yu’s words, Zhuge Liang, Chen Qun, Guo Da and other first officials came out in succession and knelt down with a serious expression and said, "I hope the Emperor will think twice! These things are the core of the empire and must not be given away at will! "
Especially Guo Da is crying and shouting "I am willing to die! Pray that my Lord will never hand over the hard work of the people and craftsmen! This will chill the hearts of thousands of people in Qian Qian! "
Look at Guo Da. It’s a waste of talent not to act.
It’s true to say that artisans have made painstaking efforts, but if this means that people care about what these things do? They are the beneficiaries at all. Okay!
Su Yu spoke for a while.
Although Su Yu knows what she really wants, these messengers don’t know.
When they saw the appearance of the ministers, they immediately panicked. Are these things so precious?
But if you think about it, can you let the huge Chinese empire tell you that developing things is not precious? However, the more precious things are, the more difficult it is to give them to the Emperor.
This made the messengers feel a little sorry, but Lorenzo didn’t give up.
He smiled at Guo Da and others and said, "The adults’ words are so bad. Although it is precious, it may not be able to get the friendship between the Chinese Empire and the countries of the alliance! As we all know, Su Da was a kind and generous man, and he was even more generous to his allies! "
"The Orc Empire is in deep trouble and needs help from the Yanhuang Empire. Lorenzo will not stand by!"
Lorenzo walked over and said
"With white teeth, why do you ask for the treasure of the Chinese Empire!"
Guo Da sneered and said that the word "particularly heavy treasure" made him feel a quiver all over again, and he was eager to get these things.
Compared with the advanced social structure of the Yanhuang Empire, they are already far behind.
"How can it be white teeth?"
Lorenzo laughed and said, "On behalf of the beast, I would like to ask Su Da for a sacred object at a great price!"
This is not a request for a gift, but an equal deal!
Lorenzo’s words made many foreign messengers shine at the moment.
Since this thing is so precious, most Chinese empires will not give it to us, but we can trade it! If you want enough chips, with the friendship between Yanhuang Empire and other countries, Su Da can probably let go.
Otherwise, as Lorenzo’s voice falls behind,
Su Yu slightly narrowing her eyes walked over and asked, "Oh? What can you come up with? "
The emperor let go!
The messengers of the hundred families felt that their little hearts suddenly jumped and their eyes lit up. They seemed to see hope!
But no one knows that they have fallen into another trap.
Chapter 35 Long live the Emperor! The emperor is generous!
Lorenzo took a deep breath and smiled and said, "Emperor, monarch and minister are willing to offer the remaining five energy ore veins abroad on behalf of the Orc Empire! Plus 30 tons of energy ore and 50 tons of Warcraft crystal nuclei of various grades! "
As we all know, the foreign trade of Yanhuang Empire now gives priority to energy ore and crystal nucleus of Warcraft, two strategic materials.
Lorenzo is also very well-advised, not only giving the vein, but also taking out a lot of energy ore and crystal nucleus of Warcraft!
Look at this hand-written delivery of precious strategic materials by tons!
"Lorenzo is really amazing!"
"The orc empire not the kui is a top race! Handwriting atmosphere! "
"Rich people!"
The emissaries of the hundred families couldn’t help staggering in succession, and the military officials also looked at each other with great excitement.
Su Yu, an orc empire, sent a vein when she got married yesterday. This time, the orc empire gave a total of energy ore veins, which is already the vein of the orc empire! But also include two energy veins with huge mineral content!
The exploitation and reserve of these two veins can enter the top five in the whole East China energy ore vein!
This is an irresistible temptation for that Chinese empire.
Su Yu couldn’t help but shine at Lorenzo’s words. He had to admit that he had a crush.
"It seems that the orc empire is very sincere, and I can’t be that rude person."
Su Yu’s expression is calm, and the jade crown and bead curtain cover his eyes, which makes people wonder what the emperor thinks.
"Please show me!"
Lorenzo Shen said that he also had some doubts about Su Yu’s mind.
Although Andrew had ordered him to make this request to Su Yu after he came to the Yanhuang Empire, Lorenzo didn’t know what beast was so sure that the Yanhuang Empire would give such an important thing to the Orc Empire.
"Well, things can be delivered, but one vein can be exchanged for a steam engine and ten tons of energy ore can be exchanged for a production line."
Su Yu nodded indifferently and said
So I can get a steam engine? A production line
This is too little!
According to Lorenzo’s knowledge, the Yanhuang Empire has at least thousands of steam engines! Military factories and all kinds of people’s livelihood factories don’t count!
Lorenzo was disappointed. He quickly said, "Great Emperor, can I exchange more?"
He wants to bargain but needs Su Yu to speak. Chen Qun sneers, "What is your steam engine? Is it a toy? Can you give more if you say more? What a savage! No knowledge! "

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