The red dragon was angry when he saw the sign of Kunlun immortal, and then he calmed down. Hey, he turned around and left.


Leitian startled that the old dragon was also a pick Jin Xian posture, but how was he turned around and fled as soon as he was reprimanded by Kunlun Immortal?
Li Bihu said sadly that Kunlun is the bane of the dragon, and dozens of fairy soldiers are specially aimed at the dragon. This time, they brought the dragon axe.
Leitian, this is the benefit of the huge sect. No dragon dares to walk in the sea area of Kunlun Immortal, let alone other demon races with poor blood.
Sooner or later, the glory of my youth gate will also shine on Kyushu
Not shine on the heavens.
Leitian doesn’t value fame. What he values is that momentum here brings luck.
The Kunlun Sect must have been able to survive this disaster. Every immortal is full of vitality in his body. Although the three flowers on his head are covered, he can see clearly in Leitian.
Chapter four hundred and twenty-five Cut the demon
Look at the old dragon mess away that Kunlun fairy sneer at one.
Well, if you weren’t in a hurry, the Dragon Palace in Nanhai would have been leveled conveniently.
Bullying is no pleasure, but the other side is not weak. If the four sects are not too dynamic, it will not attract the attention of this old dragon.
Leitian was moved in his heart. He quietly released a monty and turned it into an ordinary monster beast in the sea. A small fish less than one finger long followed the old dragon into the sea.
Leitian didn’t say that he followed the six pick Jin Xian all the way to the south, but Monty sent the news back, and Leitian could be induced at any time.
Turning into a small fish, Monty followed the old dragon deeper and deeper. The old dragon suddenly turned around and grasped the small fish in his hand. He laughed and said, Daoyou is really smart to know that I am invited.
Fish mouth spits people’s words, saying that my master is Qing Men Bai Qi. Have you ever heard of it?
Of course, you came here to deal with the old demon suddenly appearing in the abyss, right?
That old guy can’t piss me off. I want to move
Also, my friend came over for an interview.
Good let go of my monty cold tunnel
The old dragon casually put Monty in Leitian, and there was already a ray dun coming to the old dragon.
Senior guidance
The old dragon nodded quickly when he saw it. You’re welcome, Daoyou. You’re from Qing Di. I’ve heard that this time it’s a favor for Daoyou in exchange for a word from Daoyou.
What benefits are exchanged for what words?
Daoyou come with me.
The old dragon turned and fled to the depths of the sea. Leitian didn’t worry about what the old dragon was doing.
Soon I came to a magnificent underwater palace, where a lot of fairy jade was piled up to the extreme, which is also the character of the dragon
Dragon cultivation requires fairy jade. Pure dragon will transform everything and condense the breath of real dragon.
The old dragon entered the Dragon Palace with leitian, and demon fairy saw the old dragons salute in succession.
Leitian see this palace stretches Wan Li is also a big city in the sea. The demon family in the sea is struggling, but it is very moist.
When I came to a warehouse, the old dragon opened his mouth and spit a dragon breath, blowing the door into the warehouse, but folded a hundred feet to stop Jin Xian from entering.
After this hundred-fold, it is a golden gate, which is extremely strong and built in Leitian. It is estimated that the grinding disc of heaven and earth may not be able to hit a gap to defend it. Or is it simply a three-dimensional fairy array behind the door? I don’t know how many people want to enter the warehouse and be killed by this fairy array.
The old dragon casually knocked on the door again and walked in with Leitian. He secretly observed Leitian’s look was very dull, and it seemed that he didn’t care how to leave after entering.
I’m not afraid. I hope I have enough strength, otherwise I’ll really move.
The old dragon wanted to take Leitian to an independent place, in which a jade platform was suspended.
There is a fairy soldier on the platform. The fairy soldier is tied with a golden chain. He lies quietly on the platform until it is leitian. He suddenly growls and bounces endlessly, but the golden chain can not get rid of the trapped fate.
Xianbing is in the shape of a broad sword, but its serrated fangs look very fierce.
This is the treasure I got when I was a teenager, but Qing Di wore a sword with him, and the demon-slaying dragon pointed at the fierce big kendo.
Leitian was impressed by the demon sword, but Qing Di’s weapons in previous dynasties were different, and the lamella gun was not finally destroyed by hand.
This is your advantage. Look at the demon-cutting sword in vain and don’t move.

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