You wait and listen carefully. Although several places have been found in the marginal zone of osawa, we are waiting in the area safely, but this matter is not absolute. You must be careful and don’t be careless.


Remember, once the accident happens, the five of you turn around and leave, and the old lady will keep you waiting for the break, so that you can get together at the place where you stay.
It’s five young martial uncles who practice disguised terms.
The old man nodded with satisfaction. These five people are his hope that the Gankun Gate can rise again. Otherwise, the head brother would not value them so much. Before he broke into the realm of life and death, he had to lead them to find Hedyotis diffusa.
This thing is a kind of natural cultivation of Dulingcao in osawa, a deep mountain. It can be swallowed and refined before breaking through the realm of life and death, in which the medicine can be cultivated, the flesh can be refined, the meridians can be expanded and stabilized, and after entering the realm of life and death, it can be stabilized and cultivated in the future.
Practice is to accumulate over time to achieve small progress, which will form a great strength gap after a long period of superposition.
However, this Hedyotis diffusa must be swallowed half an hour after harvest, otherwise the medicine will be exhausted and the medicine will dry up.
If it weren’t for this, the five outstanding brothers wouldn’t have been sent to this dangerous place.
Old look cautious, he may be a master in the late stage of life and death, but he still needs to be careful in this deep mountain osawa, and he may lose his life if he is not careful, especially the five young players behind him.
I hope I can get Hedyotis diffusa smoothly this time without any changes. The old man sighed and looked at the excitement of five teachers and nephews, and smiled slightly.
They are still too young to know where this deep mountain osawa is. Even every inch of land here has already been soaked with uniting blood.
Gankunmen and his party advance cautiously. The old treasure gives off a little light, but it is isolated.
Martial Uncle’s spirit-searching dish lit up the nine sections of cultivation in the realm of nature among the five young players, but the pressure was extremely low.
Old Wei seems to have a good fortune so soon. Be careful of some Lingcao treasures in the path. Don’t be careless. Stay close to the old man and let’s look for them carefully here.
A moment later, I looked at a dark-colored plant hidden in a pile of weeds, with its stars and spots, and Long Lin grass showed its face at the same time.
But at this moment in the distance is suddenly a roar.
The old body is instantly stiff, and she can’t take it. Hedyotis diffusa raises her hand and hits a tactic to stimulate the treasure on the top of her head. Its power operation hides her whereabouts and is involved.
In big trouble, how can this place have such a high-order monster? I hope this has angered this monster cultivation and can quickly lead it away, but don’t be involved in our old-fashioned beating drums.
Five, this monster is also five levels.
Several dry Kun’s younger brothers looked at the old man with ugly face and supercilious eyes. The situation was critical, but they were pale and did not dare to make any sound.
Two smells in tandem are coming quickly, but they have some deviations in the direction, which should not be affected.
The old heart was slightly loose, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly swelled and he was frightened.
The escape in front of the science of uniting the was sensed their breath suddenly turned straight to here at the moment.
Escape from the old man’s heart. This practice is to bring disaster to the east and get home safely. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the mountains of osawa, otherwise the old man will not be the first to stimulate the treasure function department.
After the sound fell, the five brothers turned around and fled to another direction.
But the practice in the rear has obviously hit their minds. At the moment, the same sharp direction is taken to recover this person. When the speed is not enough, it has exceeded the number of people in Gankun Gate.
Haha, the monster behind me will please resist one or two. In the practice of leaving first, ha ha a smile, and then the robe sleeve will be condensed vigorously with a wave of his hand, which will stop the practice of Gankun Gate.
A raging growl that monster has been chasing hard for a long time and failed to kill the Terran. At this moment, several people in Gankun Gate suddenly have red eyes and want to tear up and swallow these people’s bodies completely to trap to feel avenged.
Damn it, man, die for me. This monster is full of words, and the palm of his hand is like a cattail leaf fan, breaking the instantaneous ring.
Four-armed magic ape dry kunmen face instant dew do panic face brush a spark of blood Chapter six hundred and seventy-four Touch the lamella.
The old face is paler, but the eyes are a little alarmed but not confused. It is because the younger generation should tell the truth when they know about it, otherwise it will lead to suspicion from the older generation.
I’ll wait for my life to be saved by my predecessors, or I’ll have already turned the four-armed magic ape’s mouth into blood. Since this is the case, if my predecessors really want to kill us and hide our tracks, the younger generation and others will never complain that this old ghost has sincere words and deeds.

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广州D spa会员专享,尊享更多优惠福利

广州D spa,作为城市中一处静谧的养生乐园,一直以其卓越的服务和舒适的环境赢得了众多顾客的青睐。为了让会员们享受到更加尊贵的体验,D spa特别推出了会员专享福利,让每一位会员都能在繁忙的生活中找到属于自己的放松时光。 作为D spa的会员,您将享受到一系列的尊享优惠和专属服务。首先,会员们可以优先预约心仪的SPA项目,无需担心热门时段的排队等候。此外,会员专属的预约通道将确保您能第一时间享受到最新推出的特色项目。 在D spa,会员们可以享受到的优惠福利包括但不限于以下几点: 1. 会员折扣:会员在享受常规SPA服务时,可享受8折优惠,让您的每一次放松都更加经济实惠。 2.…