Refining Mulan mainland is a given, and the twenty coolies can’t be refused.


Leitian, this is the only way to release the strength of the twenty gods, which was immediately restored to about 20%. These twenty gods were shocked by Leitian’s ability, which yu Ding Tiandi couldn’t do.
Leitian urged to move quickly. I won’t last long.
It’s not that he won’t last long, but that every moment, the stars and gods will consume the dragon fairy, Mulan, and the mainland will be able to refine it into a dragon fairy. If there are not many, two or three worlds will continue to attack themselves if they have to subsidize themselves.
The twenty gods who moved from one continent to the other also didn’t have the confidence. In case the force was too strong, the leitian gourd was broken. It is estimated that eleven continents were not in the mood for leitian.
This demon gourd leitian wants to wait for another week before the gourd can grow.
The continent was broken in the face of the powerful attack of the twenty gods and emperors, and the inner diameter of the Wan Li nuclear was black and riddled with holes, and the nuclear material came to the beginning of the universe.
In this way, there are not many materials that can be preserved until today. Most of them are composed of Kyushu for 33 days, and some continents have lost many stars in the Three Walls. This kind of material completely collapses.
This is not a star nucleus formed when the star nucleus is approved, even if it is the end, it is a congenital embryo. Unfortunately, some shortcomings have not formed a larger world, and the creatures born cannot feed back and gradually decline. This is something that can’t be helped.
The congenital fetus with a diameter of more than ten thousand miles was moved to the monster gourd by twenty gods in one breath, and the second monster gourd immediately felt a strong sense of creation
The first demon gourd world is shaped to be more beneficial to white than this creative atmosphere unless he collects 12 gourds.
The twenty gods are quite envious. After all, they have such a thing, even if they have such a small gourd, they can ensure eternal life.
However, the twenty gods were not so jealous, but leitian suppressed these smells, which made the twelve gods in heaven unable to detect anything.
The second demon gourd world gradually took shape. From the mainland of yin Yang gourd, hu took almost equal strength and devoted himself to this gourd.
If the twelve gourds are successfully refined, I’m afraid the first demon gourd will be cultivated for a while, but it’s worth it. Although the second demon gourd didn’t give birth to the reincarnation peak of hell, it also divided yin and Yang to form a relatively complete world.
Leitian this just let 20 gods will be crushed mainland wreckage into this monster gourd to repair congenital fetus.
This congenital fetus gradually mended the cracks in Bai Qi Fairy Art, and those holes dng became regular.
Leitian Ji doesn’t know how long it’s been, and when he has almost repaired this congenital fetus, twenty gods will breathe a sigh of relief when the demon spirit gourd is integrated into the demon fire.
Six thousand years have passed since Leitian, or six thousand years have passed in Mulan compared with Kyushu.
They always pay attention to Kyushu, Kyushu, and the situation is still not good enough. Everyone has to go back to help them at any time, and they are afraid that it will affect the Leitian operation and never disturb Leitian.
See leitian gourd god will this leitian said in detail what happened in Kyushu in the six hundred years.
The difference between Kyushu and Kyushu is that the immortals in Kunlun, Yingzhou were besieged, so they had to send people to rescue them.
Kunlun dispatched dozens of powerful fairy devices and almost successfully removed a mountain range. In that mountain range, Kunlun held fast to the immortal knot heaven and sacrificed tens of billions of heavenly soldiers to help Kunlun immortal strike.
Kunlun will never send half a man away from Zhongzhou again.
Heaven’s attempt to counter the base has failed. Zhongzhou has been well managed by Kunlun, and 24 dng days have been arranged in all directions of Zhongzhou by refining.
On attacking from one direction, you can meet the powerful Emperor of Heaven in Kunlun.
It’s not hard to send the Emperor of Heaven in dng days.
Heaven has not been completely integrated in Kyushu for 33 days. Since Rongzhoubao came to meet the state, the celestial army temporarily blocked Zhongzhou and then concentrated on dealing with the protoss arrival in the mainland.
When the protoss came to the mainland and was attacked by heaven for more than a hundred years, it finally broke down and was completely disintegrated in the next 400 years.
The God King returned to the divine world and lost many bodies of the God Emperor.
Leitian quietly listened to the twenty gods telling him about Kyushu. He didn’t intend to go back to the second demon gourd to be successfully cultivated. He can be sure that each of the twelve demon gourds can cooperate with his demon fire to merge into a celestial source.
The sooner this thing is built, the better. If you don’t hurry up, I’m afraid you will soon be advanced to pick a golden fairy. It is almost impossible for this golden fairy to desperately accumulate strength to balance the strength of the twelve evil spirits.
At that time, there will be shortcomings in our own humanitarian law, although it is not a defect, so a little shortcoming will also affect our combat effectiveness.
Leitian devoted himself to refining for another thousand years after the disappearance of this Mulan continent, which required entering a world war.
After passing through Mulan mainland, Leitian knew that this campaign was the last chance for himself, because it would be impossible for heaven to send so many soldiers after fighting these twelve worlds.
Heaven can’t deal with Kunlun now because it sends too many soldiers in all aspects. I’m afraid even the twenty gods of yu Ding Tiandi will be summoned back after the twelve worlds are finished.
I have been able to deploy my forces. It is estimated that now a quarter or a fifth of heaven will give me two gods, and then more will be inferior soldiers who will attack those lower worlds.
In this way, if you want to fight these worlds quickly, there is no tricky way to survive.
The second world Leitian and others feel hot and annoying when they arrive. This world is almost a flame, and there are many strange creatures living in that sea of fire. When they see the heaven, they will come to the flame and raise their heads and shout at the sky at the same time.
This is a world bigger than Mulan, and its diameter has probably exceeded a million miles, but the core of this world is quite the same as Mulan.
White palm n This is a crimson world. Someone wants to be robbed by my heavenly emperor to send white palm n. If we can’t change one, we still have it.
A god will wake up in vain.
Leitian stare blankly for a moment and then realized that the world is probably ranked second in thirty-three days. The emperor wants yu Ding and the emperor sent himself directly this time. Obviously, he doesn’t want himself to be good at that emperor ji.
However, yu Ding didn’t hide the danger before starting work.
What are you afraid of? This crimson world can be directly built into hell. It is full of purgatory flames, and it is best to cultivate monty in the same environment.
I don’t want to offend anyone, but I want this crimson world. Let’s do it. Leitian answered very flatly
Twenty gods will shine their eyes and wave their hands, and the twelve heavenly gods will send their commander Nye to Ann H Golden Pagoda in this crimson world.
Of course, the first god will not forget that he announced to the crimson world that he sentenced the crimson world creatures on behalf of Emperor yu of Heaven.

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