The pupil in Leitian’s eyes shrinks, and the demon race is a true fairy. Although it is the most primary true fairy, the small demons behind it are all false fairies, forming a large array, which will raise the power of this demon race to the extreme.


Double hammer hit the demon race and raised his shield to meet him.
King smart’s double hammers suddenly burst into small runes, blocking both changes. The double hammers hit the shield and made a dull sound.
Ten-foot-tall demon clan was smashed into a paste by King Smart with a shield.
King smart didn’t look at the double hammer flying into the small demon team. This smash is more than the strength. Other changes make the true fairy demon family lose on the spot.
Leitian didn’t understand the meaning of the rune of King Smart’s double hammer generate.
Those little demons don’t want the Buddha soldiers or the first demon in the celestial army to die. These little demons run away and have the courage to fight against the king.
Leitian knows that King Smart’s shortcoming is that he still lacks a set of armor.
He combined the heavy water with the black tower material, and with it, King Smart refined a suit of armor. Because of the hasty defense ability of this armor, Leitian knew that King Smart was still a secret, but he could further refine his armor.
Leitian smelting armor speed is almost 60 breaths, and King Smart has driven away the small demon and slaughtered none of them to stay.
Leitian threw the armor to King Li Wang, who was short but didn’t feel strong. Instead, it looked funny because of two hammers much bigger than his head.
King smart himself felt uncomfortable, too. His helmet melted and stretched, and a ferocious mask appeared on his face. King smart let out a growl from his throat and suddenly accelerated his feet to the right and rushed into a large array.
This large array is made up of more than 3,000 stone pillars. After King Li went in, it was not magical. The sledgehammer was desperately smashed, and one stone pillar collapsed.
The restoration function of the fairy array is that this stone pillar collapses too quickly, and the repair speed is not as fast as the destruction speed.
Leitian behind the seven-star magic gun infused the power of the Star Market Gate, drew a straight line through the large array and nailed a fairy who controlled the large array to the ground.
The fairy’s limbs twitched and stretched out his hand to pull the pike out of the fairy array, which was broken by this shot and never recovered.
Suddenly, I trembled and cracked a gap. After seeing the large array, four gas refining men dressed in black looked at the struggling fairy and smiled.
Leitian, there is a middle-aged man with a red wooden knife behind the four black gas refining men.
Leitian startled, he never thought that he would see the night emperor Li Bihu here.
Welcome to Li Bihu, the shrine, but the four people around him are the King of Knife, the King of Wang Jian and Wang Ren.
Leitian calmly looked at the large array, and then he saw that many immortals formed a large array, surrounded by Li Bihu and others, and light rain was also surrounded by these immortals.
Leitian didn’t see that BM’s heart had calmed down a lot. If he met that guy, he didn’t know if he could resist his desire to start work on BM.
What’s the matter with Mr. Li? Seeing that Xiaoyu was not in danger for the time being, he didn’t do it immediately. He saw that all the immortals came to heaven, but they looked dull.
Heaven’s false fairy means to drop a wisp of thoughts into the puppet’s body without restraint. Although it’s not a heavenly soldier, he will be wise, but he will never be afraid or rebel. This is the usual means of heaven. Once these false immortals are sent to a local center, they will be arranged with a huge array to send more and deliver them. These false immortals can endure and not die in the smallest equipment.
Bai Qibai, because the abode of fairies and immortals can carry a lot of immortals, but it is perceived to be better than Bai Qidong. If you bring tens of thousands of immortals into the hundred-day cave, the Luofu immortals will immediately find that if these tens of thousands of immortals are in the equipment, no one can check them.
But equipment can’t accept living life.
Heaven, this method can put the false fairy in the equipment, which will not attract strong attention no matter how much it passes through.
How did Li’s predecessors enter the one hundred-day cave? Don’t forget to ask.
Li Bihu smiled and said, "Even people from heaven have joined in this hundred-day cave. I, a native of Kyushu, can certainly join in."
Leitian, I’m afraid there are more than 20,000 fairies coming to this heaven, but the demon race is different, and there is a huge difference between the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals. These fairies didn’t take part in the battle, but commanded the fairy soldiers from the sending array to besiege the night emperor.
The night emperor has many demons and demons, and these refined gas men also form a large array of desperate resistance like the army.
Li Bihu didn’t start work, nor did the immortal leader, that is, the immortal leader came from the boundary. Jin Xian’s strength was crushed by the true fairy, but it could gradually recover in this cave.
Xiao Yu came back for nothing, but Xiao Yu also killed an eyebrow-folding sword among those soldiers, and the head of the heavenly soldiers flew around, which would attract the attention of the fairy.
When the rain heard the call of Leitian, violet flashed back to Leitian’s side, but she also wanted to escape, but she was blocked by the celestial fairy’s arrangement of a large array. Now the arrival of Leitian’s relatives can’t stop her from acting.
The rain came back to Leitian and Leitian threw it at Xiaoyu casually. A jade bottle with a true fairy level inside was licked by the tip of Xiaoyu’s tongue, and his energy suddenly recovered to the point where it was not Leitian time-sharing.
Although she consumes a lot of money to kill brave soldiers and generals, the cost of folding eyebrows and swords to the enemy is that she consumes ten times as much fairy yuan as the fairy of the same level
Can Li Bihu sell me a bottle of jade pulp when he sees it?

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