Now the skin cannon intestines are regretful.


Blame it on Huang Jinliang, the king’s egg. It’s not his bad idea. He didn’t even want to rip it off here.
Dissolving the old mountain forest agreement requires more rent before signing a new one.
He thinks so. He has Zhang Ji’s backing. two dog dare not rent the second village forest. It can be said that Zhang Ji is his confidence.
I didn’t expect this guy Pi two dog not to rent it!
I didn’t expect Zhang Ji to tell him to rent this guy!
That is to say, Pi two dog is not afraid of Baiyang Town’s boss!
Oh, my god
How dare a small peasant say no to the head of the town!
I can’t do anything for the old village chief to take a young man who is less than twenty!
God, please send a thunder and chop the dead skin two dog to death!
"The leather artillery soldiers will come to block the water and flood the soil, no matter how you come!"
Hearing the words of Pi two dog’s car-scrapping, the Pi cannon was another slouched. The old scoundrel staggered home, picked up Erguotou and poured it up.
At nine o’clock in the afternoon, Pi two dog had breakfast, and wang hong Chang came to the door with a document.
"two dog, are you going out?" Wang hong petticoats are full of peach blossoms, and the whole hospital is bright when she goes there.
"Red petticoats elder sister I have something to go to the city! What do you have? " This guy is worried about a compensation of 100 million yuan for land acquisition. Let’s see if we can borrow some money from Bao Mei-er and Yuan Qiongyu. He gave a deadline of half a month and a half. When it comes to it, he must hurry up. Don’t send it out then, there will be chaos.
"This is the mayor’s list of land requisition. Our village has a total land requisition of 9,000 square meters, involving 1,000 farmers, and Yang Hang Group has 2,200 square meters and 1,200 farmers’ compensation totaling 120 million! God, 120 million! " Looking at such a huge number, wang hong petticoats, the daughter of the governor, is also amazing.
As soon as I heard that it was the land requisition list, Pi two dog looked at it and saw that the card numbers of each agricultural bank were clearly registered. He praised the goods, "Good work was done very carefully. I wrote a military order with Zhang for half a month!"
"Not two dog so much money which you borrow? 120 million! Who will lend you so much money? The insurance practice should be to apply for funding from the villagers, and you will not be so stressed! " Wang hong petticoats is holding the staff for him.
"Red dress elder sister it is not necessary to discuss I said land acquisition and road construction money one hundred million ten million shall be borne by me! When you put this list in your hand, I’ll call you and you’ll be responsible for distributing it, okay? "
"This is no problem! I’m afraid where did you get so much money? " Wang hong petticoats are a little distressed by two dog. To tell the truth, she doesn’t know two dog at all. A man who is willing to make 100 million roads on his own can’t link him with the controversial Pi two dog who plays around.
She now knows that her understanding of Pi two dog is superficial and limited to the skin.
"I’ll think of some way to do this first, red dress elder sister." After that, when Pi two dog looked at it, it was getting late, he called Tian Huilixiang and drove straight to nine planets City.
I don’t want Baiyang Canyon to meet Wang Xingyan.
It turned out that Wang Xingyan was looking for him to park his car on the shoulder. Wang Xingyan looked anxious and said, "two dog, I heard that Lao Zhang was pulled to Taiwan by a leather cannon. Is it difficult for him?"
"Without him, I just asked me to rent the second village forest. I didn’t agree!" The name of the leather cannon, Pi two dog, is disgusting.
"Sister Wang, the leather cannon is too bad. Every day, I spread rumors to speak ill of my boss, like a 100-acre mountain forest agreement. The leather cannon was torn up and stubbornly planted for my boss! It is strange that this insidious villain will rent him without a bottom line scum! " Tian Huili’s aroma is not mixed.
"Is not afraid of him! I’ve heard all your rumors about how you steal. Fuck you. You’re a billionaire. You have to steal? If it weren’t for the sake of stabilizing the overall situation, this shameful villain would have been withdrawn! " Wang Xingyan is also a fire road.
"Sister Wang, I can’t figure out how Zhang Ji helped Pida Fort today. Knowing that the leather cannon makes bad water, he pretends to be invisible and insists on renting the forest of the leather cannon. He knows that I am in the same boat as the leather cannon. He has always been old and steady. Why do you want to get involved in muddy water? " Two dog full of doubt way
"two dog you don’t know? This time, Lao Zhang’s willingness to help Pida Fort was inspired by Pida Cannon. Guess how Pida Cannon told me about Baiyang Town. You are a brother of Baiyang Town. If you don’t suppress you, he is a puppet! After talking about a lot of Lao Zhang, he took him into the ditch and helped him come to Taiwan when his mind was hot! " Wang Xingyan told the story.
"Well, that’s it!"
"Boss, you are a brother in Baiyang Town. It seems that your enemy has upgraded! Lao Zhang will treat you as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh! " Tian Huili sweet a face of wry smile way
"Li Xiang is not worried about me. Lao Zhang dare not do anything to you!" Wang Xingyan clappers way
"Well, I don’t have to worry about this sentence with Sister Wang!"
"two dog, are you two in town?" Wang Xingyan (a diverting.
"Yes, yes, I’m going to town to do something!"
"What can I do for you? Is it borrowing money? How come I heard that the compensation for land expropriation alone will cost 120 million? Are you a bit silly to bear such a large sum of money by yourself? " Wang Xingyan gave him a dissatisfied Chen Bai.
"Sister Wang, you know that most of the villagers here are still struggling to get rid of poverty. If they really want to make a contribution or apply for funding, I don’t know if this road can be built in the year of the monkey. It’s easy for me to pay for it alone!" Two dog calm way
"One hundred and twenty million, so much money, you said it was easy! You silly little! " Seeing that two dog can’t be persuaded, Wang Xingyan feels his head with great love.
"120 million is not much money. I have access. Don’t worry!"
Chapter 41 Wind and red fish evil deeds
Pi two dog and Wang Xingyan parted ways. They drove to nine planets City and drove to nine planets Avenue. Tian Huilixiang was suddenly surprised. "The boss is followed!"

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广州C SPA水疗馆预约流程

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