Only to see that his aura is three feet high, his breath rings are clear all over his body, and the jade bone of the palace is reborn.


He is a true practitioner.
But at this time, Wu Ming had already started work.
A gust of wind swept Hui to relieve constipation and tried to take him.
The old monk Fa Neng immediately drank it: "Taoist friends are really deadly. If you go with the poor monk, you will get the right result from Buddhism!"
If you open your hand to catch it, you will pinch a Huitong to save it.
If you want to kill me, I want to save a monk. What’s the situation? Take out Fang Tianji’s magic pestle, clear the light, auspicious clouds cover the sky, kick the mountain and pour the sea.
The old monk learned the Vajrayana method, and his skin was like brass and he was afraid. The lion printed Wu’s name in the clouds and it was easy to kill.
If one of the realms is to fight against a monk who is a monk who wants to become a scattered fairy and a true feather, this movement is not small.
Outside the Western Heaven Gate, the wide-eyed heavenly king led a group of heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, powerful celestial beings and Sun Youshen, who were watching with relish.
"Hey, hey, this Taoist monk is a natural enemy, but it’s rare to see this posture."
At this moment, Marshal Pang, Liu, Gou and Bi returned from patrol to watch outside the Western Heaven together.
"Thunder method!"
The Buddhist monk fought for 30 times, and the old monk was weak and tired, so he let out the Buddha’s light to make the avatar stronger than Wu Ming
Make a turn and split the magic pestle. Opening Wu’s mouth is a flame. The old monk was burned red-handed for a while without checking.
I was in a hurry, but I was taken by Wu Ming to draw a circle for Hutianshu.
"What do you want to do?"
That Huitong retreated repeatedly and almost fell off without a magical power.
Wu Ming was about to arrest him.
"Wait a minute!"
Seeing a lucky cloud with a female bodhisattva’s Buddha’s light turning into a treasure wheel covering her real body and reaching out a little bit made Wu Ming unable to move.
Hurriedly transported five thunder teachings to break this posture and get out of the way.
When the monk Faneng over there sees a visitor, he can even attend and worship: "Brother Facan visit Bodhisattva Pilan."
Huitong also quickly kowtowed to the Bodhisattva for help.
Wu Ming imposed a law on her to restrain himself, but with some complaints, he gave a gift and asked, "How did the Bodhisattva secretly cast spells to harm me?"
Fa can see that he is so contemptuous of Bodhisattva, but even if he wants to scold, he is stopped by Pilan Po.
"Little Taoist, don’t be angry with the poor monk for hurting you. I can’t bear to hurt you and add sin. I have a bad blood relationship with Mahayana Orthodox Church."
"The Bodhisattva fellow is a demon. Please ask the Bodhisattva to take him away!"
Huitong quickly kowtowed and shouted
"You are a ruffian. I know that if you have the heart to repent, you will be able to save you. Don’t talk nonsense and redeem your sins … Little Taoist, you must never kill your heart again."
Then he waved his hand and untied the shackles of Fa Neng monks.
Although Wu Ming didn’t want to argue with her, he smiled and said, "There is merit in saving the good and karma in protecting the evil. Since the Bodhisattva said this, it is not easy to violate it."
Then it turns into a flash of light and goes thousands of miles away.
Which the blue woman nodded and looked up at the direction of the west gate, this just drive Xiangyun turn weizi thousand flowers cave.
Several marshals outside the west gate asked, "Do you know which one is this?"
The heavenly generals shook their heads and didn’t know each other.
On the contrary, the King Guangmu often watches the West Gate and muses, "If there is a Bodhisattva not far from the boundary there, she is her relative."
People watched a play and listened to the hexagrams before they went home.
The insertion of Bimo star in the peak of Shili Shituoling hinders the sun.
It’s really bad luck for Wu Ming to come here after leaving the Pilan woman. How did he just hit her here?
However, there are many goblins in this lion camel ridge, and the climate is not yet as horrible as a skeleton and a forest.
Wu Ming didn’t look at the bottom of his heart, and his call became stronger and stronger, so he hurried across Baili Lion Camel Ridge.
When I was marching for a long time, I saw that there was a mountain and a real fairy garden home.
Liuqi Egrets Peach, Oriole Shuangshuang Wild Deer Tread in the Green, Singing Mangroves to Mountain Birds.
That wall box should be the Huanghua Temple.
As soon as Wu Ming arrived here, he felt particularly cordial, as if this place was close to welcome him.
There has been an increase in repair, refining and chemical resources have been used to help repair.
"The blessed land is really a blessed land. If you stay here for a hundred years, you will surely become a scattered fairy!"
Wu Ming was slightly rude at the moment
But he didn’t feel that way about the lion camel ridge. Is it a specific person or a specific place?
According to the cloud, there are several mountain villages
There is little smoke in the sky.
The name of Wu has changed. An old Taoist priest, look at him:
Mottled face, dead tree skin, sparse white hair, snow pressure, loose waist, hanging gourd, hand-held patch, robe and shoes with holes.

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