Chapter 56 I am a dragon and you are also a dragon


Deep in the fog, in the hunting house
Zhao Mu’s first children don’t know what happened. All they can see is that the terrible apocalypse came and a large-scale earthquake followed.
After the thunderbolt that spread all over the fog disappeared, the shock from the depths of the earth shook dozens of kilometers in Fiona Fang
Visible to the naked eye, cracks spread on the surface of the cracked earth, and gaps as dense as cobwebs divide the foggy swamp into hundreds of small areas.
Unfortunately, the earthquake waves in the core area of Miwu Village and Hunting House are far from being comparable elsewhere.
This scene has never encountered such a natural disaster. Zhao Mu can give up and continue to ask about the "statue of a dragon" and quickly greet the children to lie down on the spot.
Booming …
The hunting house, which was temporarily built by this earthquake wave, collapsed first.
Then the trees around the children suddenly collapsed, and Lian Zhagen’s thick roots and whiskers broke one by one.
And some unfortunate tree in cracks directly fall into that bottomless abyss.
Booming …
Seeing that this sudden earthquake was about to hit the children, a mass of fog suddenly appeared, and they tried their best to separate the collapsed trees and cracked soil around them.
Zhao Mu, who had been nervous and didn’t dare to close his eyes, guessed the fog "for himself" just in a daze.
At this time and place, you have to protect yourself regardless of the general trend of heaven and earth. Who else but your own father?
It’s a pity that Ada has inherited some abilities of Chi Long, but he can’t confront this level of natural disasters directly after all.
Listen, with a huge vibration, a crack three or five meters wide is spreading in the direction of the children, and it seems that they will be completely swallowed up in a moment.
A loud crackle of dragons rose from the clouds.
The original menacing crack finally stopped, and it just stopped in front of Zhao Mu less than half a meter away.
"Are we … saved?"
Hold Zhao Mu skirts tightly and hold a statue of a dragon. The little girl asked in a low voice
Due to excessive tension and fear, the little girl couldn’t see what had just happened to Chu.
She suddenly heard a loud dragon rhyme, and when she came to her senses, the crack that tore the earth stopped not far from her.
"Should be … saved?"
Also some not sure Zhao Mu replied.
And follow his eyes at the moment to see the prototype, Ah Da, once again transformed into a four-armed giant and appeared in front of one of his own.
It’s like vigilance and welcome …
A very subtle gesture made the four-armed giant stand still but gave Zhao Mu a feeling of being cautious and extremely cautious.
"What’s that?"
Affected by this emotion, Zhao Mu couldn’t help raising his vigilance and looking deeper into the fog.
Dadada …
As if responding to Zhao Mu’s doubts, a vague figure slowly walked out of the fog.
"Hello, first meeting, my avatars."
What can’t be hidden in the slightly smiling voice is banter and ridicule. People coming out of the fog are none other than semi-demon form Xiaoqing, which is somewhat similar to Xi.
Or, to be more precise, this is a temporary illusion of the evening, and the temporary image is the same as the four-armed giant that Ada conjured up.
The original half-man, half-snake appearance has also become a complete human form …
The original green scales were replaced by red scales …
Even Xiaoqing’s long black hair turned into red hair burning like a flame.
Born out of Xiaoqing’s semi-demon form, this foundation has its own characteristics-this is Rebirth Night.
"Are you a dragon?"
It wasn’t Zhao Mu who spoke, but the little girl holding the statue of a dragon.
Therefore, it seems that she has been influenced by some kind of invisible influence, and memories of herself and Chi Long have emerged in her mind.
"I am a dragon, and you are also a dragon."
Calm but decisive to say this sentence, the smile is even worse.
"Speak your wishes! I will fulfill my wishes for you. "
There was a short pause, and Zhao Mu’s stunned look waved directly and let the statue of a dragon in the little girl’s hand fly back to her own hands.
"this is a reward for you and me to protect this thing!"
The edge of the fog, where the first sunrise appears.
"When do you think superfine product will wake up?"
Curious about Pei Wende around cross-legged meditation, civet cat Lao Yao first looked up and took one look at his entrenched Mohologa, and then turned his head toward his two brothers and asked softly.
"Well, I don’t know."
"I don’t think that seems important, do I?"
The first civet cat and the second civet cat looked at each other and saw each other’s faces at a loss and at a loss.
For fear that the green snake would blame the civet cats, the three brothers had never been able to enter the fog, but they did not choose to leave.
On the contrary, after Pei Wende entered the fog, the three civet cats lingered on the edge of the fog, just waiting for Pei Wende and Xiaoqing to return.
The fact is indeed as expected by the civet cats. The fog and root method prevented Pei Wende from "leaving"
However, there are some strange ways for the other party to "leave". Before the three brothers even realized what happened, they found that Pei Wende appeared in front of himself and others.
Pei Wende appeared together, and the dragon songs roared constantly in the sky, and Mohologa.
"That thing seems to be superfine product Yuan Shen?"
"What’s that? It’s a bit like a snake and a little like a dumpling, but it doesn’t have claws and horns …"
"I said superfine product was not a person! It turns out that superfine product is the real monster! "
The three civet cats clamored to express their views, but they didn’t notice that as Mohologa kept growling and moaning, the earth shook and gradually returned to calm.
Not only that, but also thick fog gushed from the cracks in the earth.
However, in a short time, this area, which could have been called "mist", has completely turned into a dense fog area with opaque fingers.
Chapter 57 Green snake returns
Just as the three civet cats were having a heated debate about whether Pei Wende was a monster or not, they suddenly heard a familiar scream.
The original also quarrel civet cats three brothers suddenly one leng then pleasantly surprised to look at the fog behind him.

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